Show PROBE EXTEN EXTENDED EDIN IN DEn DEATH OF WRITER VEST WESTPORT PORT Conn Oct 2 P- P The search for a a solution of the death of Kenneth year 32 old playwright of East t Moline MaUne III was extended to Massachusetts today today today to to- day In the hope that Henry B. B Wib- Wib WI bels Jr former Yale art student might help clear some of t the puzzling puzzling puzzling circumstances in the death Police believing that Raisbeck might have been slain sent a a. patrolman pa to Cambridge Mass after learning that was waa there police said appeared to answer the description of a youth in whose company compan Raisbeck was seen Tuesday nl night ht the night before the bod body was found in Christ Church cemetery was t reported to have said he was in Cambridge c u uca- uca s s- s day and Wednesday Portions Portions' of ot Raisbeck's body were we're sent to a n. la laboratory laboratory lab lab- oratory orator for tests which were expected expect expect- ed to reveal if It he was aas slain or died dieda a natural death la |