Show lABOR MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT lEADS RIOTERS I Mob Raids Shops as Protest Against Reduction in Government Dole us Rr Er As Press rr I GLASGOW Oct 2 2 Bitter Bitter rioting by unemployed in Glasgow was led by a B. member of or parliament last night There Ther were demonstrations against dole reductions In Bristol and London John M McGovern labor M. M P. P who vho eDRa engaged ed in a a. brawl in the house of co commons ll ons sev several ral weeks ago was nr ar arrested arrested rested on onn charges of ot forming a a. mob In Glasgow and ho be and a n number of his followers spent the night In jail Rioting Rioting- and looting broke out I I again early earty today and mounted policemen policemen policemen po po- charged the mob repeatedly I before they were able to restore order After dispersing a crowd of about on the tho Glasgow green last night authorities were confronted with similar disorders in other acc Shops were broken into win windows windows win win- dows were smashed and the streets were Utter littered d with foodstuffs hurled at th the police pollee Glasgow and the tho area has hu been given the reputation of be beIng being being be- be ing a cent center r of communist agitation 1 12 MEN ARRAIGNED McGovern ern and eleven other men were arraigned Inthe Glas Glasgow ow cen cen- police court on charges of of forming part of a disorderly crowd threatening violence to the lieges lIegel and committing a breach of or the peace peace They were remanded to Jail until tomorrow The mob assembled on on the Glasgow Glas Glas- Glasgow gow gaw green last Jast night in defiance of orders by police pollee that they could not hold a meeting McGovern and his lieutenants refused to disperse the gathering and mounted officers rode midst The manifestations were driven back inch by Inch and exchanged blow blo for blow I Hatchets hammers Iron ron bars rotS loaded sticks stick chair legs and broken bottles were brought into play against batons baton as the mob slowly gave way O overhang overhang- ing tenements joined In by showering showering shower shower- ing ng on the police everything they could lay Jay hands on on n Routed at length the rioters smashed into shops and nd looted shelves as u they fled Meanwhile several constables had hd forced their way through to McGovern's McGovern's erns ern's side aide and attempted to move him and i his four bodyguards Themen The Themen Themen men resisted and a sharp struggle ensued In which they got the worst of It 3 POLICEMEN HURT Three policemen required hospital treatment but the number of at rioters hurt could not be determined Some time later a second outbreak occurred in n th the tho section while most of tho the police ponce force was patrolling the central j part of the elt city Organized bands bands' of ot looters raided many food shops and stole an unknown quantity of goods good Surprised SurprIsed Surprised Sur Sur- by the officers they pelted them with a 8 running fire of bult butter r lard eggs bacons and preserved goods in every variety of can and pot pal In London Landon and Bristol demonstrators tors peacefully showed their antagonism antagonism to the governments government's economy mea measures ures by parading with signs reading Not a penny off oft the dote dole dole Down with the national government government government govern govern- naval ment and We support our comrades referring to the recent naval mutiny over pay reductions Police were not called on to Inter inter- fere tere |