Show I 9 m I 9 p T T 1 T CARDS WI WINS WIN N SECOND n. n n REDBIRDS TAKE PITCHING DUEL TU TO TIE SERIES Score core Off Ear Earnshaw in First Seventh Seventh Innings of Great Game HALLAHAN'S HURLING FINE Double Pl Play y Blasts Athletics Athletics' Hopes B Br Dy Associated Press Frest SPORTSMANS SPORTSMAN'S PARK St. St Louis Oct 3 2 Wild Bill DIU Hallahan frail frat I- I looking southpaw who shut out the world champion Philadelphia Athletics Ath Ath- In the 1930 world series whitewashed whitewashed white white- washed them 2 t to 0 today in the second tame game to put the St St. Louis Cards ards back in the thick of the fight for or the 1931 championship The play by play account of f the tame game follows FIRST INNING INNINGS t S Athletics Bishop up Ball one one high Strike on called Ball two high and in in- sIde de Bishop ducked away from froni the plAte late Ball Bali t three ee nigh high Strike two CAlled Ailed Bishop was out to Bottomley HaM Haas up Ball Bali one tow low and a ladone lad fast one ne Foul strike one 1 it caromed back jack Into the screen Foul strike two wo Haas bunted and the hall ball rolled oiled off the third base line Baas Haas struck ruck out swinging at a low t fast t st ball all Cochrane up Strike one called Strike two called caned It was a beauty Ball all one inside Cochrane struck out ut swinging at a a. curve No runs no hits no errors none left eft on bases Cardinals Flowers up Strike one he swung Flowers grounded to Bishop and was I out ut at first Watkins up Foul strike one Into the he upper tier back of of plate Ball Ballone Ballone one ne high Watkins singled to cener cen cen- ter er and raced to second as Haas handled the ball slowly It was a luke fluke two base hit Frisch up Foul strike one Frisch hoIsted to Haas in left center Bottomley up Bottomley rued flied out ut to Haas No No- runs on one hit bit no errors one left eft left on base SECOND INNING Athletics Simmons up Simmons drove a along along long ong fly to Hafey Foxx on up Ball one inside Ball Dall two wo outside Ball three low and out out- side ide Strike one called Foxx Fou grounded ground ed to Frisch and was thrown out at first Miller ui up Strike one called Bailon Ball Bail on once ne Inside Foul Poul strike two It was wasn In n the upper deck back of plate Ball Continued on on Page Pace Three REDBIRDS TAKE PITCHING DUEl OUEL TO TIE SERIES t t Continued from Pete Pate One r two two high and ln Inside Miller struck out out- swinging Hallahan was working workIng work work- Ing lug carefully and showed a lot of I t t as he retired the sixth straight tr batsman a an I No runs No-runs runs no hits no errors none left on base Cardinals Cardinal Y v Haf Haley Hafey ey up P Foul ul strike strikes I one coon lane rane race raced back but the ball went Into the lower boxes Hafey was out Earnshaw to Foxx on a a. high bounder Ma Martin up U. Ball one Ball two a alast fast last tie one outside Martin hit to left leet field and slid did safely into second base e as Simmons Juggled the ball and supped before throwing It was a n. two two- b base hit Wilson on up Strike one Martin stole etole third sliding face forward into toto the bag Strike two two swinging Ball Ballone Ballone one low Ball BaU two outside Foul into lower stands back of f first Wilson fouled Into the dirt Wilson rued flied to Haas and Martin scored easily at after r the catch Gelbert up Gelbert singled sharply sharp sharp- ly to right Hallahan Hanahan up Foul strike one Into the upper tier Ball one high Foul strike two into the screen Ball two around the shoulders Hallahan struck out swinging One run two hits no errors one left on base THIRD INNING Athletics Dykes up Strike one called Dykes popped to Flowers Williams up Strike fone one called Strike two he swung and missed a high curve Williams fanned missing a fast fost ball ban on the Inside Earnshaw up Earnshaw ground- ground ed d out Frisch to Bottomley He He made no attempt to run It out No runs no hits no errors none left et on bases Cardinals Flowers up Ball one wide Foul strike one into the runway back of or third base Ball two Flowers ducked Foul strike two over the upper roof I behind the plate Flowers med flied out outto outto outto to Haas In deep centerfield Watkins up Watkins hit safely to center field for a a. single It was Identical with his first hit but Haas prevented him from taking an extra extra ex tra base Frisch up Frisch popped to Wil Vil hams liams Bottomley up Ball one Inside Ball two wide Strike one It was wasa a foul tip and Watkins was robbed of a stolen base Strike two swing swing- Ing Bottomley grounded out Earnshaw Earn shaw deflecting the ball to Bishop for far the at first No runs one hit no errors one left on base FOURTH INNING ING Athletics Athletic up Ball one Inside Strike one called Strike two called Hallahan Hallahan Hal lahan was showing nice control Ball I two a shade inside Bishop fouled out to Flowers Haas up Strike one swIn swinging ng Strike two he swung again and the crowd yelled Ball one low and out side Haas rued flied out to Hafey Haley In short left COchrane up Foul strike one Into the screen Ball one one high Ball two wide Foul strike two the ball glanced into the lower stands FouL It went Into the upper deck off oft the right field line Une Ball three high outside Ball four Cochrane walked the last one being high It was the first Mackman to reach first Simmons up Ball one low Simmons Simmons Sim Sim- mons looked It over carefully Simmons Simmons Simmons Sim Sim- mons forced Cochrane at second Gelbert Gelbert Gel Gel- bert to Frisch No runs no hits no errors one 1 eft efton t ton on base Cardinals Hafey Haley up Strike one called Foul strike two Into screen Hafey fanned swinging at a fire ball Inside Martin Martha up Ball one Inside Ball two high Strike one called Ball three It was a high curve Martin was out Dykes to Foxx Fox on a a. fast last play Wilson up Wilson grounded to Williams and was thrown out a at t first No runs no hits no errors none non e left on bases FIFTH FirTH INNING Athletics Foxx up Ball one high Strike e one called Foxx was fooled by a curve Ball two t low Ball three it was almost in the dirt Foxx hit hita a foul roller lOUer along the third base line It bounced out by inches as Flowers made the stop Foxx walked the fourth ball being wide tiller Miller up Strike one one called i iwas It t was over the Inside edge Ball one low Foul strike two Miller a at at attempted tr tempted to bunt it and It caromed into the lower boxes behind the plate Miller singled to right and Foxx stopp stopped d at second It was the first hit off oft the thc southpaw and the Infield gathered around to steady him Dykes up Ball one low Th The Cards were playing in for a n. bunt Strike one called Dykes bunted to Bottomley and was tagged out as both runners advanced e easily Uy It was was' a beautiful sacrifice There was another an an- another other th r conference with Hallahan in the box Williams up Ball one wide Ball two high Ball three high inside Williams walked filling the bases It was an intentional pass Earnshaw up Strike one one called Strike two Big George swung ata at ata ata a low curve Ball one high and outside Earnshaw grounded to FrIsch and Into a double play Frisch to Gelbert to Bottomley No runs one hit no errors two left on bases C Cardinals Gelbert up Strike one called Strike two Gelbert tried to bunt and arid missed Gelbert grounded out to Foxx unassisted Hallahan Hanahan up The southpaw got gota a big hand Ball one low Strike one swinging Foul strike two into the upper tier back of first Ball two It was close Foul into the upper deck behind the plate Foul down the right field line Une Hallahan fanned taking a a. third called strike Flowers up Strike one swinging Ball one Inside Ball two Flowers had to duck quickly to avoid being Flowers popped a a. high foul to Foxx No runs no hits no errors none nohe left on bases SIXTH INNING Athletics Bishop up Strike one called Foul strike two Ball one inside Bishop fanned lunging at nt a a. slow ball and missing It by a foot Haas up Ball one low Haas aas hit sharply into left for a a. single Cochrane up Ball one low Cochrane Coch Coch- rane flied filed out to Watkins who made madea a sensational catch of the drive ashe as ashe he bumped into the pavilion wall Simmons up Simmons grounded to Flowers and Haas Hnas was forced at second Flowers to Gelbert No runs one hit lilt no errors one left on bases Cardinals Watkins up Watkins grounded out Bishop to Foxx FrIsch up Ball Bail one Inside Ball two outside Strike one called The crowd didn't like It Fr Frisch ch hit down the left field line for two bases bues Bottomley up Strike one swing swing- Ing tug Ball one low Foul strike two onto the top roof back of third Bottomley Bottomley Bottomley Bot Bot- fanned swinging at a a. fast fastball fastball fastball ball with plenty of hop on it Hafey Haley up p. p Foul strike one It went into the upper deck Ball one it was almost a a. wild pitch Ball two shoulder shoulder der high Inside Foul strike two Into the screen Earnshaw was bearing bear ing down Hafey Haley grounded out Dykes to Foxx No ru runs s one hit no errors one left on base SEVENTH INNING Athletics Foxx up Foxx Fan 1 hit t the first ball over Frisch's head for a a. single Miller up Foul strike one Miller bounced to Gelbert and Foxx was forced at second but Miller beat the relay to first Dykes up FouL Bottomley raced over and grabbed Dyk Dykes Dykes' s' s pop foul toul directly in front of the Athletics Athletics' bench Williams up Foul strike one one into the lower stands Ball one It was wasa a pi pitch out h Foul strike two into the upper deck behind the plate Ball two high Ball BaU three wide Foul Into the screen Williams walked the fourth ball being low Earnshaw up Foul strike olie one On Ona a wild pitch Miller ran to third Strike two swinging Williams was still on first Foul back into stands Foul The ball glanced of off Wilsons Wilson's glove Earnshaw fanned swinging at the third strike No runs runs one hit no errors two left on bases Cardinals Martin up Ball one outside Mar Mar tin smashed a hard single to left field It was his fifth hit of the series Wilson up Strike one called caned Martin Mar Mar- tin stole second Cochranes Cochrane's throw was wide and Williams had no chance to try for a putout Wilson grounded ground ground- ed out Bishop to Foxx and Martin went to third Gelbert up Gelbert bunted to Earnshaw and Martin scored the pitchers pitcher's toss to Cochrane was high and Martin slid safely across It was a sacrifice and a a. fielders fielder's choice as Gelbert reached first Hallahan up Strike one Hallahan Halla Hana han bunted to Foxx whose throw to Williams n missed Gelbert but Hallahan Hallahan Halla Halla- han was nipped on the relay to first Flowers up Strike one Strike two swinging Foul Fout into the upper stands Foul a hard drive against the left field box seats Foul Into upper stands Flowers was out Bishop to Foxx the ball hall striking his bat as he tried to duck away from a a. wild pitch One run one hit hit no errors one I left on base EIGHTH INNING Athletics Bishop up Ball one Bishop popped to Frisch Haas up Strike one one swinging Haas lined out to Hafey Cochrane up Strike one one called Ball one outside Ball two It was wasa a slow Glow curve Ball three low strike two called Cochrane walked the fourth ball being low Simmons up Simmons hoisted a hi high h fly ny to Gelbert No runs no hits no errors lefton lefton left lefton on base c Cardinals Watkins up Strike one called Foul down first base line Strike two Watkins fanned lanned swinging at a curve Frisch Isch up Ball one inside Ball two outside Frisch rued flied out to Simmons who made madea a pretty gloved gloved- hand catch on the run near the wall Bottomley up Strike one called Foul strike two Into the upper deck back of plate Ball one outside Ball two another one outside Ball three in inthe the same spot Bottomley walked on another wide pitch It was was' the first pass for Earnshaw Hafey up Strike one swinging Hafey hit a fly to Haas No runs no hits no errors errors- one left lefton on b base NINTH INNING Athletics Foxx up Ball one one inside Strike one called Strike two Foxx missed a a alow slow low balL Ball two inside Ball three It was a mast fast curve inside Foxx Fox walked the fourth ball being high Miller up Foul strike one into the upper deck behind the plate Mil ler filed out to Hafey Dykes up Foul strike one int into stands back of plate plate- Ball one one out out- outside side Ball two high dusted off the plate Ball three low Strike two called Dykes walked the fourth ball was low loyl Captain Frisch came in for lor a conference with the battery y as well as M to squawk about the decision on the last ball Williams up Ball o one cue ie inside Strike one swinging it was a a. fast one oneO C Strike two Williams was fooled by a no slow ball Ball two out out- side aide Foul down the third base baseline base line Foul into the screen Williams fanned on a a. called third strike that was close to the tho outer edge Jim Moore batted for tor Earnshaw Moore up Strike one called Foul strike two Into the screen Ball one outside Foul into the dirt Moore missed the third strike but Wilson dropped the ball and Moore readied reached first as the catcher threw to third base apparently thinking the game was over There Them was a a 3 riot of confusion con oen fusion lusion as as' the Cardinals were galloping gallop gallop- ing off oft the field They were sent ent back and the bases were filled Foxx on third and Dykes on sec ond Bishop up Strike one one called Bottomley raced over against the field boxes in right right- field and made madea a spectacular catch of Bishops Bishop's foul fout No runs runs no hits one error three left on bases |