Show Deaths I. I BERTHA L. L OBORN I Bertha Luella Oborn 16 da daughter of Ur Mr r. r and Mrs Henry Oborn of Vernon e died aro lr o wr at a local hospital at 7 a. a at m. m Thursday s o ot of heart disease She was born In Vernon December 13 1 1015 15 Surviving besIdes her parents are three brothers and five sisters rs Melvin Melvln and Joeph Jo- Jo eph Oborn Mrs Mra Hyrum Yates Mrs Rendall Ren- Ren dall dali Durrant Durrani and Miss SItu virgie Oborn all 1111 of Vernons Norman Oborn and Mrs Ervin Hillman of ol Eureka end and Mrs Nettle Kettle Nettle of ot Salt Lake VAUN YAUN JONES Vaun Jones 16 16 son aon of Edward and Isabelle isabelle Isa- Isa belle bello Jones of Rio Orande Grande avenue ave aye nue flue died at nL a local hospital early Thursday of heart disease He was born In July Jub n. n 1915 br Brothers He tte Is and survived rl three e by sisters bin Case parents E. E Ge George a Frank Fronk Earl Harold Bert Lester Laster Joseph and Grace Orace Jonts Jonea Mrs Dora Hatch an Mrs Millie Pace all aU of or Salt Bait Lake STEPHEN W W. V. V STOKER MILFORD Stephen Stephen Stoker 49 40 died Wednesday night In Salt BaIt Lake at the home borne of his hlll bo brother Michael Stoker A son of or William and Martha Larsen Stoker h he was born In Bp Spanish Fork October Oc Oc- tober 6 1882 Ho He Is survived b by hi his widow Mrs Emily Maud Fereday a stoker two eons aE l dJ i and a daughter Stoker Winchester easo BD Bay Ore Owen Often w. w and Lillian Stoker Milford three grandchildren his seed uta mother and six lx brothers and sisters sIsters' MIchael Michael Mi Ml- chael chad Stoker Salt Lake A A. Stoker Wash Walh Mrs Elizabeth ton tan MAmmoth Mrs Eleanor Cutler Idaho Falls nils Idaho After his marriage In 1301 1901 the they lived lInd In ln Mammoth th eight years enu moving mo then to Milford The body was token to Spanish Fork Tork Funeral services 11 will be held Sunday la nt at 2 p p. p m rn In the e Spanish F Fork k Fourth ward I tF kS chapel hs l. l with l Interment t In S Spanish J F Fork City cemetery JO JOHN N M. M FITZGERALD John OGDEN Michael 11 U. old day son Ion of Michael N. N and Mary Man Clements Clements Clem Clem- cuts Fitzgerald died Thursday a at 11 30 11 30 a. a i. i m. m at the home borne of the grandparents grandparent 2123 2129 i Lincoln a A following a II brief Illness The la father her Is II In Oakland Calif the am amly am- am 1 iii ly home Surviving are re the parents the Grandparents Mr Str and Mrs C. C Z 5 Clements ments or of and a II r. r Thom J. J Fitzgerald living In Ireland Funeral services were ere tay afternoon at the tho graveside In Mountain View cemetery under the dl direction of the ohe Rev lev Rev Patrick P. P Kennedy of St. St J Joeph's Joephs C Catholic church Interment was vas A In ln charge 0 of the mortuary MARTHA MARTRA M. M OLSEN OGDEN OGDEN Mrs Martha M M. Olsen 80 died led Thursday at the home Hi Twenty first t str street of heart hurt trouble was wu the tho wile wife of E. E A. A 01 Olsen Olun n. n patriarch In In the I L. L D. D b. b church and Ogden Oden merchant Mrs Olsen Olun was born bom In Bergen n. n February 24 4 1851 and wa was married d November No No- o- o vember 20 10 1881 1381 They were converted to 10 the ho L. L D. D S S. S church in 1884 and ard came me IS to the he United Unit States and n In June Juno of ol kh Relief that rel year let Mrs rs Ol Olsen n w WILS cHive ln in the he Surviving are the sed 1 two sane soni Edward dward A A. Olsen Olien 1 Jr of Ogden and n Wll Moroni f Olsen actor now head hua of the tho Leland Pollen school of the the t r In Boston Bonton dass Maa two grandchildren s fv tv Sisters Mrs Mu Lena lAn New York City Mrs J Jose Ir- Ir phine Bergen Norway rt r rI Funeral I arrangements I t will wUl r be l. l m made mado O on the arrIval of MoronI Olsen front Boston Sons are in chI charge fit |