Show 1 Here Are Four Cards Connie Mack J Hasn't Marked larked yO y GEZ J I r- r O NGER L' L 4 I i 1 I S 7 P 5 J r v 07 I v j f 1 j W c Y f v j jj 11 f j 1 i t r 1 t I 4 COLLINS I T N tl 1 I i S r I Icet I Iu J u S 5 12 i r Sf r j t I Street Has Four Aces to Show Mack Conn Connies Connie's es e's Hurlers May Find Going Hard Harel New Cardinals Hitting at Fast Clip By Bj Claire Burkey NEA Service Sports CHICAGO It It will be dealers dealer's choice and no limit to the stakes when Charles Street and Cornelius face each other early next month In the second renewal of their annual poker session And for forthe forthe the he benefit of those who may come comeIn comeIn comein In late be It known that the Old Sarge has four aces tucked up his sleeve which he plans to reveal to Connie only after all bets have been made boosted and called Connie marked Gabby's Cabby's Cards last year ear In the first game and was able to read them correctly thereafter He ma may be able to read Adams Watkins Watkins Wat- Wat kins Frisch Bottomley Hafe Haley Hafey Wll son and Gelbert again this fall But that group doesn't Include the thc new and unmarked aces Wally er Jim The Ripper Collins John Pepper Pepper pepper Pep pep- per Martin and Paul Derringer The first three gents happen to be right-handed right batters balters and good ones Does that imply anything It means to the Old Sarge that there will be a full lineup of exactly nine right hand ed batt batters rs to toss against the Athletics Athletics Ath Ath- on the afternoons Connie elects to send fiend Lefty Grove or Rube Walberg to the firing line Collins wooed and won the regu regu- lar first base Job from Bottomley early in the season and returned it to tIle the veteran only after sustaining a sprained ankle The ankle mended and Collins now a awaits waits another call Street Is keeping him on the bench because Bott Bottomley revived during Collins' Collins tenure of first has recovered reco much of his old hitting form However However How How- ever er both will be bo ready for world series duty and more than likely both will see action As it was WM last year Watkins probably probably probably proba proba- bly will yield his second place In the batting order to a right-handed right batter batter batter bat bat- ter when Grove or Walberg Is the opposing pitcher pilcher His substitute a year ear ago o was Ray Blades an old old- timer whose best playing days had hat vanished In the coming series It will willbe willbe b be Wally Roe one of the few National leaguers ers hitting better than this season In the spots where Taylor Douthit Douthit Douthit Dout- Dout hit hit only for the C Cardinals durIng during during dur dur- ing the series last year ear Pep Martin Marlin Martinis i is exp expected ted to supply a healthy punch Martin at present Is 15 maintaining an average near the mark The fourth ace c is Derringer the rookie hurler It doesn't matter that Derringer also Is a a. right-handed right batter bat t tar ter r he seldom hits But he does pitch as his record In the latest lat averages will show |