Show Critic Upraises Love Lov Drama B By DAN THOMAS HOLLYWOOD Sept 19 NEA NEM- NEM Something has gone wrong out on the Warner First National lot A year fear ago t the e pictures made by those two companies were about as 88 bad as could be found any place But affairs af- af fairs have taken a sudden turn and now their product will rank with any turned out In Hollywood William Powells Powell's latest The Road to Singapore certainly proves that it t is to his advantage to be with the I Warner or organization Bills Bill's last few for Cor Paramount weren't verent so 50 hot But Buthis this his one ope Is grand and Powell gives a performance such as only he can give The Ro Road d to Singapore is fundamentally fundamentally funda funda- mentally a story of ot love love love-a a woman's womans cr craving vinc for love lo that becomes so strong she decides to seek it where she can since she doesn't get it from her husband Powell pla plays s 's the role of or a n. suave e young oung man admired by bythe bythe the he women and detested by the men of Singapore And Doris Kenyon on is the he woman who turns to him because her husband Is too wrapped up in his its medical practice to pay much at attention attention nt- nt to her There is a 8 fine finC scene In the closing reel in which the tle husband very ably played by Louis Louts goes to toPo Po- Po ells home for tor the purpose of shooting hooting him but hasn't the courage to o do to so The suspense In this scene scenes is s beautifully handled by Director Al Green |