Show r Thief Denounces Jurors as as- as Idiots After Conviction I S I OKLAHOMA CITY Sept 19 Joe JP-Joe P Joe Davidson 62 who has hasI I spent a good many years jears inS inI in S some of the best prisons of I the countI country is not Jur Jury shy I After he was convicted on a theft charge here yesterday yesterdayS S and sentenced to five fire years in inthe the state prison he asked the V judge to allow him to speak t to the Jury His request was de de- de nied Ill ii speak an anyhow how DavidI Davidson Davidson David David- I son said Turning to the Jury S he spoke and left them gaspS gasping gasping gasp gasp- 0 S ing with 0 I want to togo Gentlemen you ou 0 go home hom to your our wives and children chil 0 dren tonight and tell them i 0 what youve you've done here I want you to tell them gentlemen I youre you're a bunch of idiots 0 |