Show Speaker Holds Prohibition as Moral Force Ex Congressman Ex-Congressman Points to Dry Laws as Economic Success Predicts No Repeal Prohibition has been such an economic economic economic eco eco- and moral success that any candidate for president is doomed to o ove overwhelming t fl defeat if he seeks seeks- r any change in th the prohibition laws aws William D. D Upshaw Up Up- I shaw former congressman con con- grossman gressman from from rom l and president pres pres- t 1 j ident of ot the thc Na- Na i L fi l t lional al Christian Citizenship Foundation Foundation Foun Foun- Fount t f. f dation dahon stated on hi his arrival In S Salt Jk Saturday D e s spit p it e the L t fact that there Is JS' JS rl If a clamor to allow 1 TV the manufacture it 5 J Jl jH v ft of beer from r ili iJ S sections C C ti 0 fl 5 there W. W Upshaw will wUl be no chan change e Mr Upshaw said Beer would mean breweries breweries would mean man corruption and saloons Mr Upshaw during his stay in ii Salt Lake Is scheduled to deliver four addresses addresses ad ad- dresses under the auspices of the National Christian Citizenship Foundation His first talk will ill be given at the Immanuel Baptist church Saturday at 8 p. p m. m He also will vilI speak at the regular services of the church at 31 ii a. a m. m Sunday and will address a good citizenship rally at the church at 3 p. p m. m At 8 3 p. p m nv Mr Upshaw will deliver an address at the First Pres Pros church |