Show RED CROSS ORDER WILL NOT ALTER POLICY IN S. S L. L The policy of the Salt Lake chapter chapter chapter chap chap- ter of the American Red Cross willbe will wUl willbe be unchanged by the recent order Is Issued issued issued is- is sued by the national headquarters re relating relating relating re- re lating to relief of needy service ex mens men's families Mrs Mary A A. Allen AUen executive secretary of the local chapter chapter chap chap- ter announced Saturday The order of or the national chapter related mainly to other cities clUes where family relief agencies such as ns are included in included in- in In the Community Chest ore are found round Inadequate The local chapter Is concerned only with the support of ot service ex men and their families during the time their claims against the government government government govern govern- ment are being presented for action Mrs Allen said Due to unemployment conditions additional relief has been necessary for service ex-service men Mrs Allen said The he Red Cross however howe does not attempt attempt at attempt at- at tempt relief to families where families where claims are not being adjusted as such service service service ser ser- ser ser- vice would be a duplication of the efforts of other agencies she said |