Show to BETTY I Affairs Arral of ot the thc heart and kindred problems ONLY will be bedis discussed dis- dis I cus cussed In this department 0 Lett Letters questions and requests for lor ice advice should be addressed to 0 MISS BETTY BLAIR UE RT'S HAVEN TELEGRAM SALT LAKE Write legibly leg upon only one side of the paper I It Is necessary that you append the rl right ht name and address 0 but these will wilt be held In strict confidence and will by no means S appear In print Ed S. S THE MA MAN MAli IN T TIlE THE E CASE t 1 I Dear ar Miss 1 Blair Are Arc two In answer to the question JC loves lovec ever the S same I seem to be bethe bethe bethe the other party party- as S the cae case related Is exactly like mine I am ant at the theother other oUter oUter- end of or the line Unc taking part In Inthe Inthe inthe the role of ol the husband who ha has ha b been n wronged I blame this man for with a girl whom he knew to be married Even though he had once loved lo her and had been too slow to propose I 1 was the nun man hom she accepted and married Any in this man who ho would come manner and b break ak up another mans man's home l' l Is the lowest Jowe t form of or creature there Is My 1 wife wile and md I were happy until anti tills this other man came came caine along and broke up our home borne Then after he hc took her he found out he hc didn't want her She told sold our home bome and furniture and all aU we cc possessed ed to 50 with him I gave It If to her legally Then when rue rhe didn't h have ve an any more money he told her Ct to set get out FINALLY YIELDED Now here Is b where I T come in again She to me rue and said d Daddy Paddy if you you love me rue take me back again agUn and I will try to make you OU happy PP For the kiddies kiddies' sake please take me back k This kept up for almost two mouths months until I her request I J thought then that I could be happy with them but I am not and andI I feel that I am m doing them an In Injustice injustice In- In justice b by pretending to love lo her when I dent dont 1 I simply c cant can't nt because of what she has lias done to us We have two of the loveliest children In the world odd but I simply keep on thinking cf t what f has has' come into our lives now What shall hall I do Shall Shan I keep on or shall I tell her pointblank that I cant can't go CO on after alter what has bas come into our lives Jives I hope you can help meTHE meTHE me sue THE TIIE HUSBAND IN TIlE THE CASE Have you ou tried to feature Just what lie lies lies' in store for you if it you were to take the children from their mother and depart in search of your own happiness or if you leave the cl children chil chil- Idren I- I dren then with the mother and go s seeking king tb that t elusive thing called happiness Vail all alJ by your lonesome lone ome Hasn't t it u uever ever occurred to you ou that the harder w v. we seek k happiness the faster laster she flees us Happiness comes only in self for and in the of some work we like that has a a. worthy worth end In view Cant Can't you OU fit this formula to your tour our own life me There ar are few of ofus ofus ofus us who really know what happiness Is ts until it Is snatched snatched from rom us MANY SUBSTITUTES But there are many substitutes that if it we Tie are arc wise we will accept in place of the real thing The pleasant thing about accepting a a. substitute that seems so much less Ices in the beginning beginning beginning begin begin- ning is 15 that if U we abide by it with untiring effort and a cheerful spirit I it later takes on the face and form of happiness ess till in the end we cant can't distinguish it from the real It becomes becomes becomes be be- comes happiness and from it we would be as loath to part as we would from Irom the c counterpart Dont Don't give up now nov hard as the battIe battle battle bat bat- tle tIe may be Make ever every even attempt to remembrance of the past from your our mind If It both of you continue to do your our full part to each other and nd to the children there can at least beno regrets on your part It ItIs Itis is particularly for the childrens children's sake who rho ho would otherwise be made innocent inno limo cent nt victims of the mistake that I urge you OU to stand by br Treat yourself yourself your your- sel self to an airplane trip to the land landof landof of ot make believe behave once in a a. while It m be your soul GINGER COOKIES I Dear r Miss l Blair S Will you please print In your our column column col col- a a. recipe for ginger cookies Thank you MRS l J. J C. C JR I If It it is ginger snaps for which you rte se asking here they ther are axe Mrs C. C I Two cups molasses 1 cup sugar 1 cup shortening boll then add 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon While warm add flour to still stiff and bake I In Pt quick oven o ONE ONE WAY TO MAKE MONEY Dear bear Miss BlAir I am a housewife with small children chil chU- dren and I need nd so much to Increase our income as as my ray husband Is b workIng work work- Ing only part time Can you suggest something I may do at home since I may not leave lea my family Thank you ou MOTHER 1 Housewives with a gift sift for cookery have evolved a solution for making money in more cases than orie one Cook something to sell they said and they did Pans of or rolls cakes made home-made bread All these are arc swelling the purses of resourceful housewives es who know inow how to make them well and Who have the enterprise to work up lists of ot steady customers When the demand grows larger tome of or these income boosting women vo- vo wo 0 men increase their output and revenue revenue rev rev- by using new electrical electrical elec elec- mixes stirs ant and beats hew automatically The They work a aone at atone atone one task while the he hc electro table as 1 it 1 called performs another It stirs stir batter hatter as the housewife makes icing It kneads dough while she prepares raisins for coffee c cake ke More than thai one woman has discovered how sh she thus can electrically whip great quantities of or mayonnaise pack 1 It ItIn In small smaIl Jars and sell it to a big delighted customers S These pinch-penny pinch days das worry JIB pe ie people but they show others other les' les way to sr at 1 ess COLORS UP MAKE-UP r Ih Blair POU please tell me mc what colors color As Vs rs x's and what color make u up make est S. S r pr My Iy hair hall Is light brown esi e u h light ht blue bue and my comas comas cornas com corn as we well 11 h r. r M. M c. c c. c the bud neutral shades e are the lors that tha While a your our beauty Exe Ex- Ex shades shadel In blue blu and ande the ine care eart prove e earce e the thc most of your for hades hades that will win tame came am delinquent lue i if you ou ca care to o find them Raspberry rouge and lipstick with powder should hould be chosen for make NATIONALITY TOM MIX Dear ear Miss Ink Blair Will you plc please tell teU me the nation nation- lity auty of Tox Mix Thank you WANTA Tom Torn Mix is an all American born at atEI atEl SI El Paso Texas Texas- His mother was Elizabeth Smith and his father E. E E Mix |