Show French College First in Europe to Give Course in American Literature New Nev York Yori Times Copyright P PARIS RIS Jan 24 Tho t Tho University of Rennes inaugurated Friday the first course to be given in American civilization and literature by a a. European European European Eu Eu- university it In a a. telegram to Dean E E. E of or the R Rennes nn s I faculty fac ac- ac of or letters rs Amb Ambassador Walter E. E Edge hailed the addition to the curricula as a means to better un nfl- un-I un I of or the ambitions and Ideals of at my country I The new course will wUI be directed by M. M l. l Lc Ie Br Breton ton who wh rc recently co pl t- t ed cd a period of or special study at Har Har- yard vard The new nev courts course will be extended over o ten lessons The study of or the American picture will start with co colonial co- co lonial days Successively the student student student stu stu- stu- stu dent will explore the ou outstanding stages in the th development of or th the U. U S. S cultural social and political foundations down dO 1 to the tho contemporary contern- contern scone scene cne Special emphasis will wU be laid lad on the lives and works of ot the literary figures of each era er one lesson leuon being beig devoted excl exclusively to American novelists nov noi elt P poets and ad essayists |