Show YOUTH KILLED IN C CANYON NYON WAll ALL I Loses Footing While Walking Along Pipeline on Way to Carnival OFFICER RECOVERS BODY Crashes Against Ledges in Headlong Descent OGDEN Jan 24 Special Walter Special Walter King 17 son ron of Mr and Mrs Ortin King 1227 Washington avenue plunged more than feet teet to his death near the fa falls Us at the mouth of oC Ogden canyon today while on his way to the Ogden Winter sports carnival car car- The victim was walking along the pipeline of ot the Utah Power and Light company which runs along the south southwall southwall wall of or the rocky canyon about feet above the stream bed at the time of the accident It Is 15 believed he was using the pipeline pipeline pipeline pipe pipe- line as a detour to pass ticket takers for the sports carnival who were stationed along the highway Although no witnesses were near when the youth fell feU spectators en route to the carnival said he apparently apparently apparently lost his footing and fell fen headlong headlong headlong head head- long over the rocky ledges hurtling from one rock Tack to another before he hit the stream The body was recovered by Patrolman Patrolman Patrolman Patrol Patrol- man Robert Simpson on who brought it to It-to to Ogden An examination by by- physicians re revealed revealed revealed re- re the youth suffered a fractured skull broken leg probable internal intern l injuries and numerous body cuts and bruises The youths youth's body was identified in ina a local funeral parlor tl this s afternoon by the father He was a prominent athlete In addition to his parents he is survived by six brothers and sisters one of whom Is Mrs Wa Watts Shawn of Salt Lake |