Show Services of University Offered I For Business Survey of State The services and cooperation of ot the school of business of the University of or Utah has been offered th the state administration for a proposed ed survey of business and economic conditions in Utah according to Dean Thomas A. A Beal Beat of ot the business school President George Thomas of ot the university has written Governor George H. H Dem flern of this offer which is made In connection with the proposal proposal pro pro- al now before rore the state legislature legislature legisla legisla- ture to appropriate for lor a q f stud study of economic and mining conditions conditions condi condi- in Utah Dean B Beal al has appointed d Dr J. J R. R Mahoney Professor or A. A C. C Carrin ton and Dr Dilworth Walker to act Bet on this research committee It is the plan of the committee to do 1 sive work on price anal analyses and In studies on valuation and supply and demand Whatever information is collected d will be presented d to tile the people of ot Utah to as assist 1st them In taking taking tak tak- ing lug ad advantage of the opportunities offered by their state Dean Beal Benl also appointed a commIttee committee com corn to organize a business school library composed of Dr J. J JA A. A Johnston Johnston Johnston Johns Johns- ton Professor J. J B. B Bearnson and Heber Kimball a committee to ar arrange arrange arrange ar- ar range the placing of oC graduates of the business school composed of Professors Professors Professors sors A A. A C C. C Carrington and J. J B 3 B. Bearnson and nd appointed Dr worth Walker Valker to arrange a time fa for senior students to take a comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive compre compre- examination In their major S stud study |