Show Dairy Products Association to Meet in S. S L. L Selects City as 1932 Convention Convention Con Con- Place Members Members Members Mem Mem- bers Are Expected to Attend Salt Lake has been selected as the 1932 convention city cUy by the Pacific States Butter Egg Cheese and Poultry Poultry Poultry Poul Poul- try association Mrs Winifred P. P Rails Ralls manager of the tourist and convention bureau of the chamber of commerce was Informed by J. J A A. A Nelson president of or the a association Saturday Approximately representatives from seven western states are ex expected expected ex- ex peeled to attend the e session which will be held in the early part of Janu Janu- ary 1932 I The selection of ot the convention city was was- made at the meeting which Just jus closed at t Los Angeles I |