Show I Utah Public J Workers School I Teachers Teach ackers ers Face Fa ce Salary Sa la ry Cuts J J Pl PLANNED BY BYi LEGISLATORS TOAS' TOAS 25 Per Cent General Wage Slash Considered as Retrenchment Retrenchment Re Re- Move PARE EXPENSES TO BONE Increased Agricultural College College College Col Col- lege Fund Frowned On Salaries of all public whose pay is not fixed by constitutional provision would be cut cat 25 S per percent percent cent under the terms of a bill which Is 15 being seriously considered by membeNi members mem niem- bets bers of ot the Utah house of ot LUn There wa was much mach discussion of or the proposal by legislators who Kho made the trip Friday to Ins Inspect ct the theA A Agricultural college collee at Lo Loran an and ItIs it itIs itis is known that the measure has gained considerable favor Representatives Peter C. C Peterson of Sanpete is one of the leaders Inthe Inthe in inthe the move to cut salaries and he Is 15 said to have the support of James C. C Hacking speaker of ot the house Israel H H. H Esplin Kane and George A A. A Fuller Weber among others BILL DILL COMPLICATED CO So 50 far the proposal has not progressed progressed progressed pro pro- gressed beyond the discussion stage but some of the representatives ex expect expect ex- ex to take up details with the at attorney attorney attorney at- at torney general next week The bill it Is said would bo ho quite complicated if It is to cover nIl all salaries fixed by statute or by action of city county and school district officials School teachers city and county and virtually all state em em- would be included in the drastic drastic drastic dras dras- tic cut Some of the more cautious le legislators declare that the proposal involves so much legislation and is so complicated that it will never ne be put through They also point out that salaries fixed at the discretion of school city or county count officials cannot effectively be regulated by such legislation legislation legis legis- lation latton because it will be possible for such officials to raise salaries first and then cut them back as required b by law thus evading the actual purpose purpose purpose pur pur- pose of ot the law lav PART OF PROGRAM I The move mo to cut salaries Is but one step In a general retrenchment program pro- pro I gram considered by both houses of I the 1 legislature There is evident a aI decided sentiment to pare appropriations I this th year ear to the very bone Malcolm Malcolm Mal Mal- colm A. A Keyser Keys r Salt Lake chairman of the senate te appropriations committee committee com corn says that as far as he is concerned concerned con con- every request for funds this year jear will be scrutinized with exceptional exceptional exceptional care and only the vital Ital de demands demands demands de- de mands will be allowed Other members members mem niem- bers of his committee have express expressed d the same Intention Representative George A A. Fuller chairman of the appropriations committee in the house holds to the same view On the Inspection trip to the Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Agri Agri- cultural college Friday the solons were shown many improvements that arc sorely needed at the institution and the lack of adequate housing fa facilities Ia- Ia duties and equipment was stressed But on the train returning to Salt Lake a great man many of or them remarked that while additional expenditures at the college undoubtedly are de desirable desirable desirable de- de the school will have to wor- wor Continued on Page PAie T Two To o DRASTIC WAGE GUT CUT LOOMS IN PUBLIC JOBS JOB Continued From Yron Puo One ry along for another two years a as Itis it itIs its Is s and it will be lucky 1 if the approprIation appropriation appropriation it received for tor the past two years rears is not trimmed The same applies to other institutions and de de- de AR ARMORIES PLANNED It is likely some of the legislators say ay that appropriations will have to tobe tobe toe be e made to carry carryon on the building program program pro pro- gram ram started two years ago but th this will be kept at n a minimum Two armories probably will wUl be provided for tor or one at Richfield and the other at al atU U Logan gan Quarters for fOl the national guard in these towns are arc now being rented and it is felt that the cost of new state-owned state structures can be amortized at less than the present rent cut Members of the legislature said Enid that hat it is not unlikely that the Logan armor armory will be erected on the Agricultural Agri- Agri cultural college campus so that it may maybe maybe maye be e utilized by the R. R O. O T. T C. C as a n drill hall bali all At present the training corps at t the school has no adequate facilities ties ics for tor drill In the winter and the work is seriously handicapped as ns a result according to Colonel C. C W. W Waller WaIler professor of military tactics and nd science at the college SITE ITE APPROVED The armory could be used by the college military units during the day and nd by the national guard at night the ic colonel pointed d out Influential members of the legislature and of the state ate building agreed with ith him that the placing of the armory on the college campus Instead o of f downtown In Logan probably would be advisable Uniform public accounting systems more ore efficient methods of assessing and nd a more definite plan of I lon Uon of persons avoiding their legal I tax ax payments are arc planned in the basic tax commission law prepared by y the tax commission for submission slon sion on to th the legislature Monday The Thc basic tax commission law also contemplates giving the tax commission commission commis- commis sion on power to equalize assessments within thin counties a power which the board of equalization did not have ha The new flew commission will also have havethe I Ithe the ic right to review bond issues and I revise vise local levies under regulations which may be prescribed by the leg leg- legI I i lature PREPARING FOUR BILLS t to put I Ithe i Four other bills designed the he tax commission in full working e order der and more clearly define its 4 being I powers and limitations are prepared I The term of a member of the tax j commission will be for eight years j according to the bill The first appointees ap up- apI I will get two four six and 1 eight year ear appointments and thereafter thereafter there- there I after fter there will be an year eight-year appointment appointment ap- ap 4 ointment every two years Tho pay I to be decided I Iby of f the commissioners is by y the legislature The appointments appointments appoint appoint- ments are to be made by the governor gov- gov govI I mor with the consent of the senate nate Other duties of the commission will willbe willbe I Ibe be to assess mines and public utilities utu- utu I les to Investigate assessing practices tices ces to equalize between counties and to hold hearings when on n tax protests 4 I |