Show Ii- Ii Livestock t OGDEN OGDEN Jan 24 u U. U a 8 D. D A A. HOBS ne- ne 14 1465 Including 22 for market direct 00 to packers packer 8 to o Steno Reno packers packer to south Bouth ban Francisco market mar mar- ket and and to Sin San puckers late yesterday load pound 18 10 with package pound out oat at 7 73 lew iW pound heavies loa y 60 Cattle Cattle Receipts 73 2 nil for Zor market For week Receipts 1282 slow alow quality plain she stock teady other classes weak weik best mixed o IS mixed medium soc and good heifers 15 good cow cos 5 00 6 00 medium low cutters and cutters cutter 12 32 30 bulls 4 23 plain quoted 7 50 down dowis Sheep Sheep Receipts 1941 Including 1140 tot for market to Omaha and to Utah packers no early sales For Week Zeal Best choice l lambs 7 10 rood good and choice load feeders federa at jp two loads joada rood good ewes medium ewes 1300 NORTH SALT NORTH SALT BALT LAKE Jan 21 24 ITS u. u s S. S D D. D A A. A flogs Ho Receipts 1347 including including- 45 43 Soc lor market direct 73 to San Francisco Francieco peckers to South Bouth Sari San rr co mar ket and to Los Loa Angeles packers part toad load pound medium weight butchers 8 00 few packing sows 50 Receipt Cattle Receipts 17 for market 27 to Los packers 35 to Utah feeders nd 46 to South San Francisco Fran Fran- deco cisco market rot For week eek Receipts 1061 about steady quality plains lf Sew l light ht feeder feed er steers 17 7 00 odd lots heifers Z 19 SOtt mixed joined co cows s Dulls bulls 14 50 plain 06 50 Sheep Sheep Receipts 2614 all sIl In transit to Lot Los packers none thIs mis market IX LO S ANGEUS LOS ANGELES Jan 34 24 USDA Hoes Receipts for cek lOc to Ito lower lover late top 1000 weeks week's eek bulk to pound butchery butcher 25 8 75 he U r weights 23 packing cows 1700 Cattle Receipts attie-Receipts Receipts ISO for week kill Inc clase to loer light steers 9 i medium 18 20 8 85 cans 17 75 5 hellers heilers 1840 rood cons cors 6 but buli common to medium cutty frad grades x 2 bulls IB 1600 00 down feeder steers do down n Seeder feeder 70 8 60 Receipts for eek 1300 n ott- ott tile few fen to JH 50 heavy cahee 7 73 37 30 00 Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts for neek a eek 1300 bulk medium to lambs Iambi 60 DO pound down doon Jew Un ewes eves 30 two des de's unsold SOUTH SAN SAV FRANCISCO SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Jan 24 USDA togs Ho s Receipt for week 2350 direct mostly lIe to lower loner top 9 65 bulk to pounds bulk 00 to pounds pound 23 packing cows o s steady today today's 52 direct Cattle Cattie Receipts for week 1250 direct 65 steers steert largely 25 to SOc lower she stock weak c lower loner three loads good to pound fed ed 19 33 top bulk medium to o good 00 medium 8 common 17 80 few lots 7 on l 6 good cows COTS 35 6 50 medium 23 6 asoo 5 CO common low cutters and cutters 2 23 load medium HOO- HOO pound bulls 1333 few today today's receipts 60 Inactive Calves Receipts Calves Receipts for Week lOOt largely steady odd head Sew fer packages medium 00 stock calves 5 00 HO 00 Sheep heep Receipts for week 1750 0 direct 1330 rood good to choice light lamb Iamb absent nominally ISo hither higher two decks decks' choice 92 22 pound shorn Seed feed lot lambs 17 75 deck low medium pound 73 California 17 00 sorted common Seeders feeders PORTLAND Jan 24 USDA Re Hors Re Receipts lot lor Saturday 73 oil all direct weeks week's total Market compared with a wee week ago afo All classes with demand strong at ot the ad top and aud bulk light butchers 3 93 strong w i and heavies down to JB 00 occasionally but mostly S 30 up routh packing sows smooth and above feeder pies scarce and In trone strone demand up to few small outstanding out out- standing lots Thursday and Friday noss Cattle Saturdays Saturday's receipts 36 none weeks week S total cattle 2220 calves Market compared v a week aeo aro All Mi lapses daIses quotably steady but bt steers and she Stock lock dragged a little Monday snot and some Sales ales looked weak to lower loner high grade medium to good steers stera mostly 13 in others down to 17 00 and under good hell helf era rs mostly 17 37 7 73 75 top 1825 high me n to rood good ear car lot cows 18 36 30 wit with one n load 1700 low cutters en utters Cutters 13 mostly 3 00 up mecHum me me- cHum to good bulb odd head higher bulk calves and Ill 00 do down n new few ew choice Dealers ill 50 off grades seldom topped stopped below 6 00 Shee Sheep Saturday a receipts none week s total otal 2230 market active acme nil all week eck close hither for choice lambs and choice cholte ewes nes with other classes steady no strictly choice holce under pound 90 car lot lambs olf offered iii n open met but double deck bought to arrive 17 to good to near choice Ins rive reached 17 1700 00 frequently and double doule dou- dou ble le deck tood to choice and 94 04 pound amb Friday broucht 16 50 and 17 00 re- re medium to choice quoted d 4 50 cull to choice ewes 1150 43 a 3 50 30 COFFEE NEW YORK Jan 24 AP Spot AP Coffee Spot steady teady demand light Rio No W Santos No 4 4 Rio futures doted closed easy approximated sales bagS bansi March May 3 July 5 September December 3 Santos futures easy sales sale bars bags March 8 May lay 8 July 8 Sf September 8 December CHICAGO IC i GO CHICAGO Jan 24 USDA Cattle Re calves compared week eek ano aso all ail killing classes largely SOc low lowr- lowr but bu SOc to II St under last Desks Desk's s time yearlings heifers and other classes fat she 1 stock sloes greeter part of wee week fat US co-US selling H at or lower than an antime any time In 1230 but end week clearance broad excessive supply little heifers helfers offered market very slow especially on cow cov beef bulls on a downward trend but bul worked 30 to higher stockers dockers I and feeders 25 to Soc 0 lower In sympathy with killer steers mo most t fat stern steers 68 10 1080 50 extreme top yearlings SO 13 10 Sew few steers above abote end nd few fat cow r abo JS 00 best liht heifers ill 00 bulk meaty feeders up to 19 00 Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipt today's market nominal for week 43 doubles from feeding Stations station directs compared week ago aco all grades fat lambs lambe and md yearlings mostly SOc higher fat ewes and feeding lambs fully hither late market generally ac- ac the tte doting bulks and choice Sat fat lambs 92 pounds down donn 9 9 00 33 35 few to Q latter prices the weeks week's snot and also alo seasons season's top heavier hemler lamb 1875 00 fed 7 00 8 00 white faced range ranee feeding lambs 8 10 Hogs Hogs market opened around stead late trade weak to unevenly lo lower er top Is 25 for choice pound bul bulk to pound 00 15 late sales and plain kinds kinde down to 17 75 to pound to pound 2077 33 Pigs and packing sow sons scarce Quotable steady Shippers took 1000 Estimated holdover 2000 I Jan 24 USDA USDA Shep Re 1300 all through today market nominal compared to week ago aco fat lambs nominally closing IS 15 to or more higher eves nominally firm feeding lambs strong stron to higher top fat at lambs Soc for week 1735 8 00 medium grades down to 7 00 and below few led fed yearlings 16 50 odd lots fat ewes 13 60 down bulk good feeding lembs 17 35 and medium so 0 00 7 00 shearing lambs 17 Receipts 12 loads direct 3 to Call Cali fornia 2 to Arizona steady Sew few to pound 17 7 73 75 few stocker and feeder light lights IS 00 Cuttle 50 calves 25 23 for week beef steer steers 13 15 to lower few lots 1723 fat heifer 25 to lower top 1773 bulk 50 cows 1St off cows 16 56 SO 50 paid end and 1633 let bulk common cows cow and andall all cutters cullers mostly steady bulls mostly lIc lower calves and steady extreme top 30 stoc cows cowa steady other stocker and classes unevenly une lower top too steers 19 73 freight paid hulk bulk 18 5 00 steer calves up to 10 freight paid State origin run Colorado ear cars Texas 64 New Mexico 34 jo Wyo- mine 48 46 Kansas 38 Nebraska 8 S. S K CITY KANSAS ANSAS CITY Jan 14 24 USDA Cattle T. cl- cl SO 30 for wed ci cl end joe to JOT JOT- JOTIn In between crau s off most 65 K she alit stock to lor lover er lower trad's giada tO steady bulls bulb lower end calves es ea weE to o bc lower weak to lower feeder Iced feed er off 1St to SOc weeks week's top good long Sll 30 bc broS t y lica 1000 1 I late tte bulk fed steers 9 00 fed heifers helfers stockers and feeders 1625 l 8 50 choice yearling stockers stackers 19 00 stock steer calves 0 60 choice UP to 50 00 nep Receipts none for week lambs Iambs to higher around up top feel fed lambs 1880 closing top 18 CO late bulk led fed lots Iota top lop ee ewe 1450 4 SO top tap 14 20 feeding lambs mostly torn ome Iota lota carrying end In Slaughter condition upward to S 75 Hoes Hogs Receipts 1004 1000 slow Weak to lOc lower than Friday lays lay's average i oil off more top 17 on choice IjO 10 pound most to pound n 37 c j. j f W to pound 7 7 1 nc sows sOw's around at ST ST. JOSEPH ST. ST JOSEPH J Jan n 24 Cattle USDA Cattle Cattle- Receipts lOG calves none for week slaughter sleen yearlings heifers heifer and cows unevenly to 1100 lower loner low priced kinds least loss bulls built lower low ow cutter and cutter COT weak vealer mostly steady nothing choice liere good pound 1032 lone lon yearlings ill go top for week pound 1510 bullock bull fed steers and 00 00 fat at heilers beef cows COTS cutter cutler trades grades medium bulls 14 30 50 top 1000 00 stock ers era and feeders opened Siren firm closed weak teak 10 o lower fancy pound stock calves bulk replacement steers Sheep Receipts today's trade steady two loads choice fed Sed wool kins 18 38 60 two loads pound 92 clipped ambs 8 1835 35 truck ins up to 18 30 for week fat lc to higher Seeders feeders steady teed cred sheep heep week weak to SIc weeks week's top lambs 18 75 clips 13 33 fat ewe M 30 feeding lambs 1800 bulk lambs lambs shorn lambs most fat ewes Hoes Slogs Receipts low ow steady to weak with yesterdays yesterday s early time for weights under pounds pound up steady teady with yesterdays yesterday's Sate late decline C top 17 60 bulk pound down 17 75 5 to pound to pound same held higher scattering scat scat- sows SOW steady Pies olga lack Inc cost Friday 1735 weight 29 pounds OMAHA OMAHA Jan 21 USDA USDA Cattle Cattle Re Receipts calves none compared week ago aco slaughter and she stock un unevenly unevenly un- un evenly to lower bulls bull S lower sealers SOc lower stockers and feeders Closed the week dull find and wea weak bulks for week Fed steers and yearlings 17 1000 teteral loads weighty steers 1110 10 UP to 1273 75 heifer helfers 6 8 few up to 19 60 beef cow cons 14 50 cutter grades 3 00 75 medium bulls 14 30 practical top 18 1830 30 choice lot oh 19 9 stocker and Seeder feeder steers yearlings 1900 Sheep Sheep ReceIpts Receipts oso today's supply around two loads lambs 83 81 pounds at steady compared week leo aio lambs mostly higher cheep heep strong strone to higher feeders feeder ISo hither higher closing bulks Fed Cooled lambs 18 top weeks week's top and choice slaughter ewe top lambs 32 to practical top on to round no choice hoa oni offers bulk to Pound weights to pound butchers I to pound averages 75 cost pounds 4 a |