Show UTAH L NOSES L OUT COUGARS 52 51 I AS SUBDUE CATS 33 29 29 CLARK RUNS FUNS LOOSE WITH 21 POINTS SMITHS SMITH'S SHOT WINS Drysdale Breaks Tie Tier f r For With 2 Goals GoalsBy 1 By IY FACER BOZEMAN Jan 24 Utah 4 Utah State Stat state Agricultural college strengthened its hold upon first place in th the western division of at the Roc Rocky Moun Mountain in con con- by annexing a hard fought 1 contest Friday night over Montana States college 33 to 29 The two clubs resume their play to tonight tonight tonight to- to night with the th striving to chalk up their initial victory after five successive defeats in conference Play Led by th the clever floor work v-ork of Seth Parkinson and basket shooting o of Carl Belliston the Aggles led mos most of thc the way until Belliston was forced out of the game via the foul rout route BUZZETTI RAY BOOTHE SHINE suna With the thc score standing at 29 and nd four minutes to go D Drysdale substitute forward sUpped slipped away for tor two setups and put the the game game on ice ice For Por the Bobcats Ray Buzzetti Buzzett and andRay andRay I I Ray flay Boothe played the best ball Boothe getting away for 12 points point and Buzzetti covering the thc entire floor like Eke a hawk The game wa was marred man by an altercation altercation altercation alter alter- cation which arose when Captain Worthington protested protest d a decision and Coach Dick Romney omney of Utah State Walked out on the floor and an argument argument argument ment ensued between n the two After technical fouls w were re awarded to cach each t team tam nm the trouble was dismissed and 1 basketball again became the order of th the night Judging from front the closeness closeness closeness close close- ness of the score tonight's game will willbe be 3 AG OILS t tE S' S E- E tr Position F Parkinson if rr 2 28 IG 11 9 g 1 2 1 1 3 V U it 0 5 0 0 0 0 C 5 g g g g Ig O 0 iu C 18 I 9 l 7 5 0 0 4 10 IC r is re 1 11 11 8 5 3 2 1 3 I 1 r Bennion J IF I 7 8 6 1 1 4 2 3 4 re if-re 9 5 B 4 1 5 3 1 5 It If t 8 5 3 2 0 0 1 1 Totals B BOBCATS J 76 42 34 13 IS 13 7 13 33 n. n r rf 12 12 4 8 2 4 0 1 4 41 endt M H. H 9 5 4 2 3 I 1 2 5 Booth Boothe C 13 13 1 12 5 4 2 3 3 12 n. n re 16 t 12 22 7 5 2 1 1 3 5 Arlo Ir Ie 4 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 Eo E. If iC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 50 20 30 1 12 15 IS 5 10 29 Referee Lolo Lob Spencer Three Games Booked In Eastern Sector DENVER Cob Colo Jan n 24 UP UP Three h n mP which lc oi feature tu a r return match be between be- be Boulder tween e Colorado are arc scheduled c university J f 1 for and Wyoming t In i it t the at itt eastern tatern sector of or the Rocky Rock Mountain in b bas basketball conr conference At Al Colorado de Sprint f D Coach og Dutch t Clark will send hit his back k Into the rt the unbeaten Colorado Teachers Teach reich ers u-Ith u a a. good tood chance or of victory The oth other r contest brings to together ether two to out and outu er rs Demer university and the Colorado School of Mine at Denver Den Cougars Come Corne From I 14 Points Behind to Knot Count By BOB GOODELL PROVO Jan 24 Surviving 24 a spectacular B B. Y U. U rally to win In Inthe Inthe Inthe the extra period Utah U. U broke Its to I losing streak Fri Fri- Vday d Y night by nos- nos fl jing out the Coui Cour Cou Cou- r i t i gars 52 to ta 51 4 f fm She Sherm r m Red Clerk led the Redskin Red Red- W W skin assault that t r.- r. I r handEd the Y C 1 1 I its first defeat of f 2 thc season The Thc f j topped sorrel ply ply- ff oters oter's ability to score 21 points his opponent opponent opponent nent and play a ab b brilliant r 1111 ant floor game was th the outstanding outstanding outstanding out out- standing feature nf of th the fracas I Coach Ott t Rom Romneys Romney's e Sn men e 1 came within a a. hair of making Friday nights night's game came a a. duplicate of the second Montana State game Utah had a a. point 14 margin with 10 minutes to topia pia play Friday night and B. B Y U. U sent the he huge crowd into hysterics by knotting the count j just t before tile thc close lose The Thc Cougars scored 3 points poIn In n the thc extra period on a foul pitch b by Brinley and a neat ringer by Magley Magleby Magle- Magle b by y before the thc Utes Ures broke the ice but out Cox and Smith counted in close-in shots to give rIve Utah the victory Capt Captain ln Russ Magleby played a a. magnificent game for B B. Y U. U bearIng bearIng bearIng bear- bear Ing the brunt of th the Y offensive in that hat dazzling second half ral rally He cored 15 points for high honors and his ils floor play was superb Eel Brinley did some great ball rustling although his basket shooting was wild at t times Umes Big George Cooper turned In n a great defensive game El Romney Romney Rom- Rom ne ney closely watched was limited to 9 points but played the floor well before before be- be fore ore he went out on personals The scoring ability of Lorraine Cox and nd Jerry Smith n was Va a big help to R Red d Clark in the Utah o e while Hap Lybbert and Tee Davis did id good work on the guard line Utah's ability to follow In their shots was a vital factor in the outcome The game came started out with terrific speed peed Romney caging the first basket bas bas- ket Icet et from close range but Utah Quickly Quick Quick- ly y retaliated with Smith and Clark Clrk ringing the bell in rapid fire style Although B. B Y U. U led at 13 10 the Utes were not to be denied and taking tak- tak lug ing ng advant advantage e of their opportunities while B B. Y U. U missed many setups ran an the count to 26 19 at the thc half hal With Clark losing Hunter com com- the Redskins increased their margin as the second half haIr opened and nd finally attained a a. 43 29 margin The Cougars refused to admit defeat With Robison replacing Hunter at center enter Brinley Brinle and Romney scored In n rapid succession Romney went cut ut on personals Robison going to forward orward and Lou Johnson to center Magleby's two foul pitches and in close-in shot were follo followed cd by y the most spectacular ringer of the a game a looping one-hand one shot by Magleby from the center of the floor Johnson scored at close range and Magleby dropped in a foul pitch h L Lybbert I b bert jert making his exit on personals Clarks Clark's pretty one-hand one shot snot made Ithe he the count 45 42 for Utah but the red headed ace went out on fouls a moment later larer Magleby missed the thc toss but soon scored a two-pointer two at lose close range and Johnsons Johnson's one-hand one heave from the side put the Y In front front 46 Cox gave Utah the lead leadith with ith a long shot and foul pitch but Brinley scored a a. sensational one- one h hand and nd shot to tie Ue the count with seconds sec sec- to pla play After Arter the Cougars counted 3 points In n the extra canto a a. stall staW tall pro cd unsuccessful and Utah caged the two wo field goals that won the game UTAH 2 0 n o e. e N same i g t n c Smith rf cC 25 21 11 14 5 2 2 1 12 Cox ox 4 c if-c 27 j 27 It G 5 22 3 5 5 3 3 3 U 13 nitric Clark lark c 24 5 19 9 3 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 LYbbert le ri 2 1 2 0 0 1 1 4 1 arts lg Ie 7 1 II 2 3 1 3 I re I J und II g g g g g g Totals 91 1 28 26 21 13 il 10 18 IS 52 B. B y V. u. u I Romney omney rf 19 19 7 1 12 4 3 1 4 9 Brinley If It 23 23 7 1 16 5 S 7 4 1 14 Hunter unter c 11 11 0 11 2 I 0 0 2 3 4 r. r r ig re 9 6 3 1 1 1 0 3 Is le 17 17 7 10 5 8 5 S 1 15 John n. n c c. c 4 1 3 2 0 0 3 4 I Rob Robison n. n r c-r c ri 7 1 5 2 5 1 1 0 0 3 I Totals SO 30 60 80 2 20 20 11 ii 11 ii 51 |