Show Ma Man J Held eld Ely in Ely 1 For Working i g Ne New Ney- Type ype of f Racket t t EL ELY Y Nev Oct 31 31 of working a anew new new racket a as al man giving th name name of Floyd Bennett Bonnett Eon Bon nett was wal in jail Jul il here hare today A A panhandling ta campaign is be b.- b. to hava netted him several hundred dollars dollar H H. H rushed into a tore ster or called at a home ahome and breathlessly explained he had had an auto accident and nd had to have hav to get his auto from the garage garag eo so 0 that ha he could get back to his work He H. represented himself variously as at as a ironworker iron iron- worker or miner and was garbed in overalls When it was wag discovered die dis covered that he h. maintained an all expensive room at a local hotel poli police e locked him up pending in in- in n. n |