Show Jack A Another not hr r Barber Some Somo time ago you ou doubtless re remember ro- ro member wo we 0 told about our barber George who n a aa a n side aide lIn line 1 Is an nn artist artt a n. sign 1 painter and general general genera handy man nion Wen We lt we dropped In to have hav aim an ether othur lah h hair lp cut the other uther day and found his hi partner Jack would l hardly hard rd ly Iy speak to us UI H. H answered al all alloUr allOUr oUr pur OUr questions question in single ingle syllables an and I lacked the usual affable air barbers rally Bern possess Finally wo WOo found out he ho was J jea ous at George Georgo for appearing In prInt and sore at us for tor or not m mentioning himself lt ll lt ll But anyway Jack has done dona some thing on his hook tor tho shop since wo Wu u cro there thera last He lie finally told us usall all abut about jt when wo we promIsed prom prom- prom prom- Iced to write him up Ha He figured it out ho lie said id that people never like to sit ait around and read nothing but th the Police Gazette while waiting fc for o a win wig shave So he bought a n radio i and had it In In tailed stalled in the shop chop Now he lie explained th thy they y can wait to music And nd they don dont don't t run runa a ray a y sore when shen we wd tako take more mor than fifteen minutes on a customer Tho The radio J is ono one that runs from morning until multi night and Jack says It has really Increased business tremendous tre tre- The ladles ladles' trade beUIl he be said UIl particularly picks picks' up uP In the afternoons when Rudy Vallee broad brOad- casts Somo Some of ot them of-them them even wen pass up their turns in the tho chair so eo they wont won't miss an any of ot Rudy's crooning ART DECK S 5 Operation If It youre you're anything like W we axe are ree we e know you dont don't like to hear stories About operations But this one ono seems worth repeating at ot least leut once A young man about town was suf fering terribly with his throat In fact his hi tonsils tonsil bothered him and I his physician an ordered him hi to have ave I an In o operation er a ti q an In o operation er a ti q p n. n H Hs He made mad an appointment with th the doc doctor or anc and when the tho time arrived for or the big bio event he took along alono one ono of f his male friends to act as nurn nurse They Chey nirh arrived d In the tho operating rOom com Tho The joung young oung man decided d h he ho didn't need his tonsils out after all alland and nd the doctor at after r a hurried ex- ex agreed Just then the nurse set up an awful howl Ho ITo started clutching his Is throat and moaning for tOr all he was worth The The docor doctor pried open his mouth and started poking things down his hla throat as doctors sometimes doHm doHm do Hm Em h he mused I suppose well we'll have havo ave ave- avean an operation after all He lie tossed tossed the tho nurse on the tho table and nd started giving him ether I J wasn't long until the tonsils were out ut And now the patient according to o th the latest reports is being nurse for tor or the nurse S 5 Our Campaign I We have been accused of ot neglecting neg- neg neg-I neg our campaign for sheriff and wo we simply had to say something 1 about bout tho accusations Someone phoned us us' us usand and told us ushe the he sOn reasOn wo we weren't saying anything any any- thing more about our race for sher- sher ff lit was that one of the other c eandi- eandi dotes dates had brad given us a a. bribe to with d raw That as politicians would say Just goes to show she what a lL whispering whisper whisper- ing ng campaign n will nill do when it gets started i l n a a. way As a matter of fact with all the war waging over the Ih elec- elec tion ion we dont don't think theres there's any necessity of entering into the tha die dis' dispute at all Our election is practically practically cally ally assured by just remaining em- em si- si lent ent It seems that when whenever cr either of or orthe the he other candidates for tor sheriff opens his liis mouth he be his foot toot In n It Someone either makes accusation that hat the candidates candidate's accepted too many bribes or that hes he's not ac accepted accepted accepted ac- ac enough So Just b by keeping still we dont don't get accused of ot any any- thing thing- That is we dont don't get accused of anything publicly but we cant can't h help lp what thoy they say about us in these the whispering Anyway w well we'll have have- our little say after election da day ART AliT DECK |