Show I F Four our B Bootleg Suspects Deny Deny- Guilt at 11 Hearing earing Four alI alleged ged bootleggers arrested Thursday evening by police under the direction of or Captain O. O B. B Record Record- pleaded not guilty to liquor charges before CIt City Judge Daniel Harrington Friday morningTon morning mornin Ton Tony B Bellino 50 50 was arrested at al 58 1 2 West Second South street where officers sold they found a small anio amount nt of os whisky Mike Uko Boll Bell 25 25 was wan taken Into custod custody cus- cus cue cus tody tod at fit South First West street on a ch charge of or possession of or be beer r. r J J. J H. H L. L Richards 39 was arrested at West cst South Temple street He HeIs Hes HeI wild todd have ha ha had hada small sinaI amount I Is s to a of oe whisky Punch Jackson GO CO was arrested Friday night at West cst First South street and charged with a liquor violation The Thc cases were set for November 14 4 for |