Show Salt Lake Stamp Bowlers Win 4 From Prom Electrics The TIe Independent league held its Ita weekly week week- ly y at tho the Ace Aco bowline list lut m night S Sift Salt Lake Stamp bowled Stait a S aa fut tait a t gamo tamo Holding Electric and sad held tho the electricians I down dowa 1 4 to 0 Hobday's Hob Hob- days day's took the Utah G Gu Gee and Coke for or a and burled buried them four tour deep deop while tho Ac Mu An Lunch managed man man- aged to win ono and Ion baa three to the Western Printing team leant Medical Arts Arte Lab defeated WOO Woodward's Woodwards School 4 to 0 O O. O and Ham y Dentistry won everything from Irom rom tho the W. W V. V T. T 1 Grunt Grun squad Snappy Lun Lunch h h had to be bo content bowline atone alone aa cc tho the An A Art Art- derson Jewelry te team nJ va wu unable to play This Thie match will bo be bowled Bunda Sunday Salt Lake Lk Stamp and Hobday Flor 1st tied up for or lo team tum game earno honor hOllon when each team loon crashed out 61 High team total went to tho the Salt Lake Lako Stamp Stomp with a count of or 1985 1585 HI eh IndividUAl total waa wac made mach by J. J M. M Morthen wh who ran up pIn pint pin Individual same Rume mo via we also alco tied when whon Dr Pannier ao and J. J 31 hi Worthen all bowled 03 |