Show A k 4 4 FIGHT IGHT p PRATTLE SAID TO TOH HAVE VE c CAUSED SED AL SMITH SMITH TO THROW THROW A AWAY WA Y SO SOUP N. N f. f Y LEADER t VEXED OVER 1 BOXING BILL I Testimony in Contract Case sc Discloses Governors Governor's Gov Coy L 1 cr lOr Distemper I NEW w YORK Oct 31 It AP tP A Ar r d ec l n of oC f former rm r Go et Governor AI- AI 4 J nth LII i throwing III down a n. L plate J LII i throwing III down a n. L plate of ot r KOUP and do- do o- o himself and tired of ot this boxing busi busl- n ness v wasn the he t today t in inthe inthe KL the trial of ot tho b breach cacI of oC contract suit raid n st Tu Jle former efa ea vy weight 10 ICh rha a m p 3 I 1 o D no ii Ib Brought r b by Tim t fara fight t pro- pro r. r Emor f Emory Emor R. R Buck- Buck lIer counsel for br or quoted AL U 1 B. B nuU Mara Ira ara as 8 saying ln he had asked Smith who vho at that time line was GO governor to intercede to o ha th tho first Tunney match held in Sn n ew York sta state te SMITH OPPOSED BOXING SAID Governor Smith threw down hi his l late t ot o. iOuP and md shouted Im s si ick sik k kAnd And nd tired of oC this boxing business nd 1 if tho tim legislature would pass a law Jaw aw repealing th boxing bill I T would ouid sign It Jt Mara Iam was quoted as asAL Buckner told tho the jury that the I of or cn engaging a Mara Iara was to urge the New NC York boxing zon sIan to change its attitude in refus- refus Ij ting rig to lo Issue a license to Jack Jacl Demp- Demp cy cy CJ to fight in this state until he lie ought fought Harry Wills He lie held that Mara lara ira broko the a agreement b by fall fail g to get et th the boxing commission to permit the fight in New York r Tho fight was waa held later r In Phila d delphia lr hia TOLD TUNNEY TO DRIVE TRUCK I p Du Buckner sad Mare Mara wrote Tunney I to throw throwaway a way away his books book's s his type type- typewriter writer golf gol suit and dinner jacket and drive o a truck Martin W W. Littleton cou counsel for Jor tara Mara told tho the Jur Jury Tunney and antI his his hig client had been friends for years rears and that the conference b between tween them which r resulted In the signing of oC a contract was held because Tunney wanted Mara Iara to lay layout out a program for Cor him and to advise lse him OFFERED 25 PER CENT OF PROCEEDS He Ite said Tunney originally offered Mara Iara 2 23 per cent o of oC tho the Demp Dempcy oy ey tight fight proceeds but Mara Mara- said 10 per cent was enough as the challengers challenger's challengers challenger's chal dial lengers lenger's end of C the purse was small but that in addition he would accept 23 per pel c cent nt of oC Tunney's Tunnes subsequent earn earnings I ng That Thiat is satisfactory 1 to me inc and andI I make that offer to you rou Littleton quoted Tunney as saying It Is conceded that Tunney got sot for the Dempsey fight and andi later |