Show Chicagoans to Honor Jonor Dr Walter Dill Sc Scott tt CHICAGO Oct SI El UP UP-A UP A dinner dinner din dinn ner ncr sponsored by a n group of wealthy oan will bo be given Riven In honor bonor o of ot Dr Walter Halter r Dill Dili f i tonight rna marking kin hi his t tenth nth year year a as president t tat of at Northwestern university While the dinner will mark the tenth anniversary of the presidency of ot Dr Scott it also will mark hs his fortieth year at the university first as student student then OB al pro professor finally as as IlS president la iI i Dr Scott toO took his hie B B. A A. A d dat at lot Northwestern m Jn Sn 1895 IRS and anda 1 a member r o of th the tum |