Show r t P K oIl b 1 ut lother lothert t y t. t f t Thousands Th of Loyal Loyal Customers Custom ers Can T Tell ell of t the the Satisfaction Clothes-Satisfaction Attained Alaine d With the thc West Western rn Outfit Comp Company's nys ny's Helpful Payment Plan Plant Minute Five-Minute S Service j d jj ti V Vs s j V Values al a ties par Far Above the e Ordinary y 50 1 ii i a i M. M Men ens t ta s S. S Suits 1 22 2 HO ENO o D DOWN WN PAYMENT Terms Term of Extra Convenience t i- i iT This iS year year th the e e superiority of f ti the new new v One and TWO PANTS models in all all ST- ST fi fl ORED clothes J is offered of- of sizes at prices paces very low low charge charge a a. feted to you 1 0 at the at-the the lowest prices on t record I r. r I complete I head to head foot foot outfit here f i YOU OAN C PA AY y AS AS' YOU ARE ARE PAID PAID e AND WEAR THE HE NEW NEWl l t 1 CLOTHES NOW OPEN AN ACCOUNT c- c c Styled for Men and the Your Young Fellows s I 1975 75 f. f 1 i New Overcoats if I f S ingle Single and double breasted breast d models S 1975 1975 and up Special easy terms 1 WESTERN OUTFIT Company A A SALE eAt At The Tho t J M Men Men's s Sh Shoes V. V 00 GOATS A A TS' TS REDUCED REDUCED And Oxfords r. r FOR TWO DAYS All sizes sizes- All Styles Styles- 7 0 SATURDAY A SALE At Just f il 1 AND OF 24 J Good clothes aid and good coed e R MONDAY HIGHER PRICED HIGHER pRICED t ONLY COATS footwear Lr Have Ha thorn them now on small weekly pay a ments manta c This group and slid one other selected value offering at include many of the very smartest fabrics and fur Boys Boys' S Suits its creations of the season 0 B Boys Boys' Overcoats t s 4 Dresses Dresses on On Sale Boys' Boys Sheepskins and Leatherette Coats Two Sweaters Caps cle etc all on 14 tho the very very ery easiest terms For Only aL M Mens L Leather en s Colorful Canton crepes and black Dresses Dresses Un Un Unusual COATS OATS usual Y values at nt You You Tou can buy 2 for 14 U- U Saturday fi Monday Mens Men's Sheepskin v COATS Mens Men's Leatherette WESTERN COATS Men's Mens ens en's Sweaters Gloves GIo Mufflers S S Hers flers Shirts Ties Iles Hats Caps Underwear Underwear Underwear-At At money money- moneysaving saving sa r prices And prices And I greater SaUTH credit convenience Ij I j A STATE STREET Special Easy Y WESTERN OUTFIT Company Terms Th The Tho oldest motion picture t th that hat t li i i I still being beins shown Is The Tho cf a Nation n pro produced uc d In 1916 1911 r f 1 THE 1 I Ii j i f fAll A All 1 l w will ll 1 be ex exposed owe r before election day i c Thousands from many points k flock to Wolfes Wolfe's Grand Rally Sale U State Street mer merchants 4 chants report large n number umber r of buyers Thursday No Nc y r I doubt the overflow from fromI I l th is g great reat sale at Wolfes Wolfe's Q Q o. o 1 r When the word thousands is is used NOTE in describing any number of people A AHOME one is apt to use the figures in a rather figurative way and not liter liter- ally But in inthis this case the figures are used by actual HOME HOME- count Thousands of people from m many points attended OWNED s. s Wolfe Wolfe's s 's Sale Thursday 4 I 1 INSTITUTION MANY THINGS ILLUSTRATED TION EMPLOYING EM EM- One is that the people generally like to come to q ti tig Wolfe's Wolfes and Wolfes and will drive a long g ways was to do so L 0 YING A They like the superior superior quality of the merchandise dise they like the e friendly atmosphere of the FULL FORCE store in genera general a feeling that radiates to IN SPITE OF THE you the minute you step in the door door door-a a to feeling no one can have who does not w DEPRESSION E P R E S have the same struggles misfortune and joys that we have ourselves The lower SHORTER HOURS r AT prices is another big inducement Buying Buying Buy Buy- TOP WAGES ing from a home institution appeals to those who are interested in the welfare of Utah The larger se selections selections OFF WITH A HUM and variety in Ladies Ladies' Mens Men's Boys Boys' and Girls Girls' Cloth Clothing 4 ing appeals to others The RUSH AND ROAR honest dependable statements used in the advertising is the L strongest inducement of all DOORS CLOSED Because no matter what 0 goods what prices what Several Times Thursday on onto A I efforts a store puts A Account of the Crowds forth if they are careless care care- careless less in stating facts nosed nobody y can or will Not expecting such a wild rue nil h come far on their 44 statements like they f from rem o one ne adverts advertisement we were como to Wolfes Just the one word not prepared prepared we we were swept off our our- used Sale Sale used with Wolfe Wolfe's signature signs signa feet ture is enough I to jam aisles of with tho eager store MORE HELP TOMORROW buyers and itI it itis 1 is g o t 11 t ing Those who could and I moro more so 0 not g get et waited on Y each y year ear those who could not get in we in-we we ask you to come again again we we have more help more room and plenty of goods for far all 4 0 WE THANK YOU We thank those who gave such a hearty response to our to-our our advertisement and even those who helped make this sale such sucha 0 a grand success by speaking the good word among then their friends MORE GOODS TO GO GOi i Hundreds of f cases and bales o of goods we were unable to display b before fore are re out and arranged for sale now now Bright Bright new goods shown for the e first In-at time at astonishing low prices prices t tALL ALL SALE PRICES GOOD i iI I iI c. c AGAIN TOMORROW I WOLFES WOLFE'S SO State |