Show r IN CUSTOMS DRY L. L M Men Mii n Were Employed Under Un der cler Additional iO 1 lAp Appropriation Ap- Ap I prop atio T t I Wl WASHINGTON arON No Nov 13 AI Al'- Al' J- J Mellon eUon reported Jr cd t to the to the mime senate tu loda today that 7 7 nd additional l Us js arid and 7 addi- addi I I customs agents hid had b U employed em en c MOrell Marei J to enforce Hit Jl l J Jr law la lau u under the time ti d ap- ap p. p of or 4 jH au auth authorized lh last session by congress Tho rho report ma mado o in iii J answer cr t to 6 a n. I resolution by Iy Senator Harris l Dem Dein QC Georgia dla t t included hc nt- nt of the tho work ork done by prohibition from Aprill April prU 1 to October r 31 of pC this during durl s the time same mme period of last year ear al' al James prohibition coni ncr In a 3 letter aU attached h d to th the report saida said id ida a e m Improve menU ment shown was due t to the thc 10 goy gov policy of ot concentrating on fn investigative investigative- work ork ork or Of tho the a additional s 's sum sum m appropriated the secretary ted reported ted 1391 was allotted d to to the prohibition service e and ani to th the customs service In m the seven c cn n months months' period for lh this Is year the r report port saId pcr persons ons were arrested b by f federal prohibition officers rs as compared with In lIte same rame period 11 lat last st year r. hui distilleries verj seized this year as s compared with last car year |