Show CRASH i Conflict in Testimony Develops De Regarding Red Lights Conflicting cUnS' cUnS testimony regarding tho thio num number cr ot of red lights on a trestle tres tres- tle tie hit by Elmer Jeffs' Jeffs auto aulo just j it prior to tim llio tragic iram train la last t. t Saturday night o on First South street eli Third and Fourth East Eist streets tre ts was in introduced introduced In- In Tuesday at the beginning of ut tho the Inquest into tho the deaths of ur Jeffs his If wife Dorma Donna Williams uns Jeffs and Mildred Thomas r lOmas 22 of ot t 32 F street Robert M. M Li LaMont 2727 McClelland McClel J land street motorman on the street streetcar car testified that ho 0 saw on lights on tho trestle a a. half bale block away and distinguished tho the manhole gu guard rd Jeffs' Jeffs car car traveling about sixty miles an all hour l lilt hit lt tho the trestle first and then collided with tho the left front side sido of at tho street car the witness said Tim The street car was traveling about fifteen eu miles i an hour west on First FILSt So South lh street TESTIFY O. O II Il Paulson and lud ills his wife Mrs Irs Maude audo Paulson tho the lattera n. n n at the tho emergency hospital tal said the they were driving cast on First South street about aboul 11 1130 31 V pm p.m. m and nearly nearly near near- J ly collided with the tho trestle before seeing It it ft Paulson was certain tho obstruction II had ad but one ono red light onIt on ou It ft and he said because of the tho fog or smoky atmosphere that he could not nol distinguish the tho lI light ht from rom that of oC an In auto luto tan tall light tight until ho was about twenty feet away from it it- Mrs 1 Paulson said sho was thrown against tho windshield of ot tho the car when her husband turn turned d to the left to avoid old striking the tho trestle Abraham P. P Jeffs Jelts ta father of or I El Elmer Elmer El- El Imer I- I mer Jeffs said his son and land companions com corn were iero returning to the Jeffs JeUs home 33 1 East Sixth South street Intending to play 11 cards and make mak some somo candy when tho the accident o oc curr d. d Jeffs Jeers said he found a braken broken broken bro bra ken flask in hi tho tho- pocket bf ot f his sons son's Continued on page 7 1 TRAGIC RASH CRASH INQUEST BEGINS Continued from pago 1 nt at the lie emergency hospital Tim Tho witness added that tho bottle lad had apparently contained some kind ol of liquid that was as to have been used In n tho candy ATTORNEYS ADMONISHED City Judge C C. C P. P Dalby before whom th Inquest Is being held ad- ad attorneys to limit their questions lo points nut not bearing on civil of the tho case Other witnesses included Wesley Dennis Western Union joy who was riding a bicycle west weston on First South street near the car nt Lit the O of tho ac accident ac- ac Walter Thomas brother of one of tho victims William J. J Sulli Sulli- v an n construction superintendent of thi he c Mountain States Telephone Telegraph company Dr John J. J and Mary A. A emergency hospital nurse The last witness was questioned closely concerning whether or not she detected odor of liquor on OIL any of the bodies or breath of the injured iu- iu persons The ThC nurse repeated repeated- t y replied in tho County Attorney John D. D nice and his deputy Edward r. r Richards represented tho timo slate at tho Inquest jt and questioned all after Judge Dalby Daiby decided that other attorneys at- at orneys present were directing questions ques bearing on the civil liability aspects of the case Other attorneys vere Frank claims agent for the Light Traction company Van Colt Cott representing tb tho o telephone company whose ex excavation ex the had been placed in iii tho street to cover Grant Giant Iverson representing Abraham father of ono of the victims and Lester Wade representing the family of Mildred Thomas another victim e |