Show tt et Car c Schedules ci ii to Change cu l When 14 New Buses Arrive al- al l changes in street car cm carIn carIn In Salt SaIt Lake will become became dien cf- cf wien ien new ne' traction equip equip- equip I lOW report reported d to be en route Il arrives Traction company COmpan I I officials said Tuesday that new schedules schedule are aro b being worked out which will necessitate chan changes cs in lines JInes particularly on the Ninth East and Fourth East lines However vcr these schedules will ivill not be put lut into effect ct until th the fourteen new trie coaches conches which have ha been or ordered ordered or- or dered deroo arrive c and arc are ready reidy to go so Into service Under plans pian no now und under l' l consideration consider nUon the Ninth Ea East ft and Fourth East Easl tines lines will be consolidated and tile tIie State Stale Capitol lino line will become a n. separate entity It Is possible it was vas said that ears cars will bo replaced be on the Capitol lIn line Tb The Fourth 1 Ninth East East line it was ns bald under plans platis now V being worked out will maloa a U In the business 8 district Tho Fourth East 2 street lino line will niter cuter the tho business district as It doe doc proceed up Main Nain to First South th thence nce ta cast l to State Slate 1 south to Third South and east to Ninth East Eat The Tue reverse out Voute oute will b be traversed tra by coaches traveling In th tile the opposite direction There will bo ho changes also o when these new schedules are arc pU put into force but Just what hat they are has haR not been definitely decided |