Show S S 5 5 S I r Government Gove T Turkey TurkeyS rk l to S j T Inspection 1 p j n Pl Planned e r j TJ Jan Pian gr bo ln of turKeys tur- tur Keys by gov I ent experts exp In co cooperation c co- co operation with th Utah v inspectors have bayo b been bien eJ Tile The gov government govern govern- ln ment g gr graded d dd d bIr will paper bracelets R roun around the tho o lank OJ on U will printed over ver the tho initials of ot the tho th bureau burau of oC I t S e if t. S S. i prime and U IU US S. S chO choice e a as applied to fo young ung birds Unit that ni ie t tl the requirements of C thc these e grades n arid rif tho h ol older r birds which qualify will bo labeled u S. S I Prime Mature Mature- or JU lJ q i S Choice I Mature S 1 |