Show Mothers Mix This At Home for fora a Bad Cd Cough gh You'll b bt be plea when you ou make up this tins simple f home honie mixture and try it for forn for a n distressing cough cugh or chest cold l. l It takes but a n moment to mu mix nud lOI costs little but it can enn be depended upon to give gi q quick ick and lasting last last- ing irig relief relict Get 2 UX U ounces of or Pin Finer x from rom nn any drugg druggist st st. Pour this into a a pint bottle then fill lL it with plain granulated sugar or strained boney honey The full lull pint plot thus mece made CO costs ts no more than a n small bottle of ready made medicine yet it in is much more inure effective It is pure lUre keeps p perfectly aud children Jove its l pleasant taste This simple remedy has a ft remark remark- three fold action It goes rig right t to the seat Beat of trouble loosens the germ- germ laden Jaden phlegm and soothes away the I inflammation Part of the medicine is 18 absorbed into the blood bloods where it acts nets directly upon the bronchial tubes II and anI thus helps inwardly to throw o off of the whole trouble with surprising easi i it IQ a highly concentrated compound corn com pound of g genuine Norway NOr Pine containinG containing con eon I taming the active 1 agent of 01 creosote in ina ina a refined palatable form and known I as is' is isone one of the greatest tc t healing nl agents agent for severe coughs chest colds aud bronchial bron brou- chial tr troubles uble Do not Dot acc accept a substitute for or It i la b guaranteed ed to give prompt relief or money refunded po I 1 ares r I to the EAST I THANKSGIVING THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS ROUND TRIP FARES DATES OATES OF SALE Kanus Kans Kan B City For tor TI Thanksgiving excursion ticket tick tick- St. St Louis LOLlis A o 66 e et ets S W will be ie on sale Ole November No 24 St. St Joseph Joeph For will Y be Christmas r sold du b excursion 17 tickets 19 20 r Omaha Omah i Chic ChicAno go 21 tee tickets and 1 d S 2 22 Feb e bF Final 28 S 8 1930 return limit all ll A Low Fres to A Other Eastern Points Point A T Tickets Information tion E F. F BERTLING General Cener ll Agent I ALLEN ALLENN N N. N ROBINS City Pas Pau Agent MISSOURI PACIFIC LINES Ro Room nt Judge Building Wasatch A ASat Service PRE PRE-HOLI PRE HOID Y I If I. I SAJE f H Hd d F Now is is the time lime to select Luxurious Lux Lux- d urious is is making it worth your while whale by reducing prices prices on his hii entire NEW CHRISTMAS STOCKS g to encourage early selection and make November a dull month 9 one of the busiest of the year Ij E i 33 v And Odds and Ends Endi as Much as 50 Off j Theres There's no better gift than Luggage Y whether it bt b. a wardrobe wardroe trunk a asuit i it suit sut case or a ladies ladies' leather purse t I fr Tji A SMALL SMALL- DEPOSIT Holds Anything Till Xmas A FEW EXAMPLES of the Outstanding Values FITTED TRAY CASE CASE 8 piece 8 set Genuine leather 1 reduced to 1915 cp HAT fAT BOX BOX Wardrobe attachment at- at I reduced to 1 the MENS MEN'S Gift leather inch 22 That I i reduced to s W I Lasts LEATHER BRIEF CASES CASES- Leather straps Q up reduced to V z i LADIES LADIES' SUIT CASES Wardrobe O CT t A attachment ep I 1 1 LADIES LADIES' DRESSING DRESS DRESS- ING CASES 14 16 up I 18 inches to I t MEN'S MENS FITTED PRESSING DRESSING A. A CASES Genuine P UP leather 1 Sale Abo Ako Includes Bill Folds Foldi Fur es Mena Mens 1 Dressing Cases Mid and Hundreds of f Other Gifts in in Leather L' L w wr TRUNK BAG CO Main r EXCLUSIVE OF 4 4 t A I It i H i Ifie m rJ 1 J if i I v d 1 I Ji I DEPARTMENT I STORE 0 41 t rt r i rl Y I r. r 0 On Or Broadway Between Main Min and State Wa Was Wu P i s r I Now There e Is Added the y 1 Brightening Brig Touch Tuc of t tM M Metallic J Trims sOt On F FJ New Felt Pelt Hats I A IIA HATS FIATS TS IN B BLACK BROWN Y HU HUNTERS HUNTER'S TER'S GREEN GREENVINE WINE VINE A 95 METALLIC TRIMMED A. A jpY A And ld now flow t to t the Uie chic felt hat W we wc add adda dd S' S a a cheerful touch of gold or silver si ver J metallic 1 and it is really inter inter- tC I to note the change that s I y fr wro wrought The They're re smart w with th the t l new v c framing face fur coats coals In 1 black black brown wine win hunters hunter's greet green r rand and other new shad shads shades s. s ft l' l i. i Taken Tak From Regular Sto Stock k and R Reduced dil ed to toMake toMake Make an Extraordinary Value Event Sale SaL of Foot w ear All i s but not all sizes in each style Smart Pumps Ties Oxfords Strap SI Slippers J PAIRS SHOES SHOE i 1 r TC 7 5 REG REGULARLY RL Lt y I I 1 t I Includes If Pairs S If I I ti Famous Pamilo Arch Support Shoes i S i i S Extraordinary this sale Shoes of oC tho the S y j. j kind that are arc sold b below low regular only be- be S causo leath- leath i causo tho the size range Is broken Tho In Jn rs aro varied and attractively JY finished l d. d vS L li nc now popular shades Here ar are H fi fiR fe arlous heel heights too i and styles 5 t I I R- R RI I t N Now New OW A for tor fyr many man different occasions 11 Wd S Sto t arey tr J 7 to Choose From 1 j i J t. t h if i Cold Weather s r u. u Here Are Are I Coats to Kee Keep You Warm At the Seasons Season's Most Unusual Savings r Winter Coat Sale You Cant Can t t W Wear Weak ar I Last Yeas Years Coat S Over This Y Years Year's Dress And Since I SS These Coats Are New A c S 5 Y Fashions n You Yot Cannot Afford to Miss 71 This L S' S Sl Sale a l' l e. e i ll 5 E Each In this liis group j is a a cleverly clev cle 5 S. S J erly conceived interpretation o of l the new v cr creations for wint winter r. r You'll t Wonder Vonder coats can be produced produced pro pro- 3 9 for that Beautifully tan 1 r Ic of broadcloths sumptuously ki furred with Natural Opossum r. r Blended le Raccoon Lapin Lipin C r cul S rt Wolf Volf Fox Fo and Muskrat t. t Au AI An opportunity j g r right g t wh when n. n you need a i new v coat coit IHo most t. t Sizes 14 to 20 an and I J 8 to 5 5 1 S 'S SS S An jj inviting array bf of f Fashions Fashion's s most S approved ed modes modes awaits jIO you at- at The at-The S r F Paris Pans every one an in n accepted accept 5 0 version every one authentic in iii f every de detail dehil tail Wa Materials te include i J Twills Broadcloths S y ns Tweeds 1 and ind nd t S Diagonal Tweeds Furred with I tf Natural Opossum Blended Raccoon Rac Rae S i t coon coon Lapin f Wolf d f Fox and M MUskrat Sizes li lii i it I t t t 13 3 to t 1 17 7 14 to lio 20 and antl 38 to 52 t S S 1 t tO W 9 O Only n I y 1 10 Q P Per er C Cent e t D Down Down 9 own own- 9 M Months nt h to IQ o P Pay ay l k J tl I I Wb Vb fn you ou to to tout ut usa this easy casy way n tc to pay ay Only 10 io per er r cc cent t 1 1 ic down IoWa plus plu u a s small at time o of l e. e and if- if ift t LJ you youma may wear y you u pay tho balance In 9 months montim ZIf r l. l S Y ir i 1 0 ht h r t 1 J I |