Show fL BLOCK WAR CONT CONTINUES T TO TH H UP JP SIMPSONS SIMPSON'S tOO SIMPSONS MARlS MR V- V PARTING YAR v HOLD v ARD 0 p ED TOLAN'S 9 95 10 5 10 M MAY Y GO GODOWN f DOWN IN BOOKS BOOKS' AS AS- RECORD A. A A. A U U. Awaits i. i I. I A. A A A. A F's Fl Action on Block kl to Grown New ew K King ng of r Century ST ST. T. T LOUIS Mo ro Nov 1 10 AP A- A I AP-I I George or Simpson the tile slim lIm little speed d king pf f Ohio State Stale Stale started something when ho ho leaped ot oft off the tho n starting start start- lug ing blo blocks ks' ks at Chicago Chi Cht c cago o ono one afternoon after noon last J June nc and dashed a down CLOWn the straightaway or for yards In 5 90 I Ie thereby establish I r o I Ing himself as 4 y fastest human jy i The Tho Tho chief re re result rb-p rb suit sult of ot Simpsons Simpson's I r record cord feat has juts a I been cn t to split the the best minds of or the Ah Amateur Amateur- atcur Athletic Simpson union and turn impson lh tho annual convention hero lcm i Into to La debating s society concentrating g upon the pros and md cons of the starting blocks blocK L The argument argument- ent beeri by the kAi A A. A iA A. U Us Wa 8 endorsement of tile while hll foot Coot blocks blocks' In ln principle f barring their thet use at at any ani A.-A A. U meet until until such such time as 3 as s they they're- they're re receive re- re the the- q qualified sanction of ot o the thc International Amateur ur Athletic fed fed- n. n SI M As a n. of or net fact it ft took took a coalition of at s. s led Jed b by mid mid- dl advocates dio w of or tho the Blocks to overcome the opposition of Ot r the Die Hards a arid and d' d f force r at least a favorable resolution WI with l' l regard ard to tho ho starting devices The Pro Block forces forces' canto came hero fully equipped to the Issue They had bad tho of ot two devices c John Nl Nicholson of r Notre Dame Daimi and George Georg Bresnahan or pf ot Iowa sib They The jl l th i or of oran oran an exhaustive questionnaire exhaustive questionnaire show- show In hag out O bC or ISO track ruck 5 JI and anel nd officials on record In favor fior of tho the tho of tho Bt Blocks CliS The d linto to revolved principally around Dip question of cC what hilt If Lily ly the tho block 11 0 the sprinter tel In ir r r Um time than formerly w wa the uio tue of the tho holes boles h j m In 43 the cinder cinders The r records corn n in tn a c c imp Simp n mark mule for far lIsting Inline tn In a a. special category ory with blocks virtually UT ruled that Me thi ne- ne wan vas of oc An s r. r of the record committee YAW Law wn eon on Pennsylvania and Olympic plc pic head end toRch and antI an nn author authoN ity t on on 05 sprintIng sprintIng- declared the block were wera a distinct but a added this nta ml mIght ht not hoW on th the watch In his 1115 opinion the tho bl block blocki eD eni en awe able tho th sprinter to to B get t Away aWa with a Advocate tea of ot lie tIC blocks on the tho other hand hind Cent contend d they are ne merely z practical pral Improvement d tr J stand ardUe starting lOpe up tip meets mute and do away with tho the track hazards u due rlue to ito digging holes holew Tho The US IU out of JIO in experts experts' tim llio blocks to toIe be Ie no nIJ advantage in mak In ing faster fader time O T. T Kirby of New New- NewYork York fork Vet Veteran vet eran ran adviser pf the Intercollegiate A A. A A A. A A. A A. A AL In tn leading tb the el sic t. t t tin in en t of the tb convention assorted d the devices s create creat tales false condition Hs lie that thal there is la yet no uniformity uni nI of and that hand nr ds well as etc foot blecka enter int Into the th alt sit sit- ul on Hand haye been o J t by Dick tin Stanford track co coach ac IJ but hut not so M far Sr used us ft widely nv lr th they the fo foot t WIllie Wl nil tho tito arMory r waa wa J guin nn n l 1 was wan II detected 11 that Tolan Michigan negro sprinter r anil anI national champion may boat George Simpson on to the Ait- Ait Unction or of beIng tho the sprinter printer to officially the tho longstanding record of or 9 BT 3 second from th the international Inter inter- International national book Tolan Tras u a beaten b py Simpson In the latter's famous lne- lne two but thy the negro without block stepped off oU the at Eran ton ton- last lut May hay 25 37 In 9 6 Thu mark wa aa ap approved ap- ap rH proved nd unconditionally and ico the Ih I. I A. A 1 A. A V F. F liaa now removed Its tt ban on tenth watches It may be tie adopted opte as the new new standard what la 1 lato to b be done dona ab about lut the tho blocks If It It ta takes take 13 long lone to rattle the tho Issue le-eus of or block as is It Il did the ond watch Simpson will be be bean an old man he e gets gets- anything geta anything but bot but three thre been cheera for cheer for f r bit if Treat great performance |