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Show T1IK "WILD MAX" SWISDLE. All (he llercmlanU Urc HomI for Their Utile llame. Venter lay afternoon tho extmtna tlon, uu n ranrio of obtaining money by f lu in.tim.e, ol Thcmpou, alia Ihe "wild man of Utah," and the three "manager" of tlio late Main atreet "exhibition," look dacu before Com rulmljuer Norrell, tho little courtroom b,Iug crow ilod Tilth curloti ifeitaUiri. Die "wll 1 man" noir apntnd Ilka miy ordinary niorttl, inliiu hi hlnuto apjienlatci, nnd lookeil a rucdaa a liuib. He I of im .11 etalure, ha Ahatd huad nhd nn unkt-mut tieanl, mid waithalibllyilrniied. Attorney I', II Htejiliem prosecuted, while Judnu Molljnnll dcftndeJ. The lalti r oiwned by taking exception to the complaint, which, n above elated, lharged the ilefcnlinti wllh obtaining money it ntlerfalno prctenie hyropre BcntlnK that they had on exhibition n wllland woolly ram, win waic.ii-tured waic.ii-tured In aoutnern Ulnli and I a I to 1 kt chained lu a ca-e, when In ficl he wa not lapturud an) where, wa iieltbirwIM nnr v. colly, and did not hive to be kept h lined. Tho demurrer havlnclieenoverruleJ, l).ily.lanluI ilynou tratlfled-Uu Ktturdty arurnoiti thu drlenlant r.rniiih wn In front of a room on Main mreet elioiltlln thai thov hid on exlll billon thiru n will nud hairy man, Mhohaltobe cbilnul In n ci,e. 1 irave Ilraiich leu ceiitoiil wiut lu. Thu difeiidaut ThoutlMoli, who waa iipjnaed tnielho wild man, nn In n ce, nnl tint defendant Mohan lit 1 hold ufa chilli aud apieared tu bu the wild tnau' keeper. I pil I thu money eiiKcthut lo ee a wll I man hi Mr. Mc!)owiill-l had heard that llieehow waa n fake and I wint lu lertly tu Inveitljatnll. Hhtrlir HurlmilJ On Raturday my atteuttoii wai attracted by thudeleiid ant llrauch iliuullii that there wruou exlilliltloti n wild nnd woolly man, who wa dpi il red In Boiilhern Utah ly colioyaiid they had toletphlm c,haluuddowu. I didn't i-ayniiythliitf tuu III. 1 W the ilnfell t lilt lhuni on lu a ca 'e and 11:1 man Mehan nc'lll , ua the wild luiu'a keeier. 1 aiked the men If Ilium in w a really wild, nud they rcpll.il that hu n.u,and ill If I wonted ti kuow niithliut moroaoout him to no over to fdcUIII. I aworu out a warrant for tho nrrcet of them all and wint back Ju-t n tho iliow cloud. The alhi;-d wild man wailimt RettliiK out of hlacaiiuand I tnld iilui 1 ha In wxrraut for hi nrreil. He at onco pndjeed a llcenie fron. the city. Ju.t lluu Mr.Mi.UIII cinio lu and al I that liu wa running theehow anl uatropouilUo forevirythlnir. I toik thu wild man, ptutki-d oil tomu falne hair, eyebrow an 1 whliker, and Iheutook him Intucuitody. Liter I made him taku a bath an I till wee thu leiuit ( roduilnx oUutaiuuJ of iloio ,halr). Marahal I'anon ilale I that he went lothnahovr auJ law the wild mm. Ihe deftlldaut llrancll UmI at the door homing that they had a wild man Inilde. Hurt ltiuaelt tetlllcd that ho paid Ilk', to ee the wild uun. J. Jtnklni, rerter, tcetlfled that aoinn time azoMcUlll told him that a wild man had H-eii raptured aud he exitcled to exhibit Iilui here. W, Keeh r il 1 I lutr the defendant Thoini-wu, lhoalhni-d will man, here lame time ago. lie wn engaged In delivering bill, for WondvilanJ I lininl him tay that he excteil to go onixhllillloiiaiawlldman. Till occurred oc-curred alut five week ago. Thomp ton waatheiilif Ing flxtd tij,aa a wild nuu. Hu had a bottle of whliky and I took a drink with him. I haan iliu-o lien dlecharged from Wonderland. I nover heard It add that he waa lo lw eihlbltiilatWnlldelland. 1).- uty Mnnhal Ilytinn tntlfied that hu wint tu eu the vv (Id man on Thursday, Thurs-day, paying IDcont. Thudifeudant Mehan waa Uii Hug by tho caw with ii itlck. Hu told htm that thu wild man wai ca lured by cowboy lua cave In (uulhern Utah. Ihe iroeecullon litre rested, and Judgu McDmall muvrdfor lliedl ihargetf ilifetidanta, UcaUMi theilu. tnciilaof the cau iharged had not I en proed. Thewltnei!- for the iroee laitloiidld uot rely null upon the rt-nueiitatloniniadeby rt-nueiitatloniniadeby thu defiiidanie. If thu thing wai the greateit awlndle on tarth, etlll If the parlle went In nuiUriiiaudliigthu nntureof the atUlr, then It wa not obtaining money uuder fa1etrctenta. CommlMlomr Norrell laid Iho proof certainly ihowid It waa repriientod that a wild man ua on exullililou.but Iheruhad lien no knotting madu that any wittier wenl lu ix(.(lii.; to wo n gi inline lid, hairy man. T hat w a nu eaeulll imlut. Thu wltuene evl Ututly paid their 10 cent to en u fmud, upvilrii; that It watn fraud, He wa fnclliie.1, therefore, to UU elurrte the defendant. Mr. Hit phen Hilled the court' at trillion to the fart that It had at Itrut been charly iliown that the iii fondant hi re guilty of an attempt to nlUlii moniy iiuuer fnl-o j reteuee, nnd they thould bo held for that; aid olleiito wn punli.Uat.le by oni-half that II nil for the higher oDenie, 'I lie comniliilouer held that thu tltiou taken by Mr. rilehen wa correct, nn I Iiii.iiJ a linn or 11W unn McUlll, in hu aa thu prluiu mover lu the aflalr. Thu other threu lefendatit weru lined $..0 mil, and thecoitauiretiMrued tnually egalnit them all. Judge JIcDowall gavo notice of a'.wi. , |