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Show THE PAVING DISTRICT. The Snbjsct Dlscassed by Iho City Council Last Night. nrsiiMi or Tin: sciiooi, iioiitn. Mijor Scott Sire It li l'uraionalile and I'njutl. Atarpeclil ireilonof the Oily Council Coun-cil lielJ lit nUht Mayor Hcolt pro-ildeil. pro-ildeil. rtollcill vrai rendil lo by the following memlieni 1'arioiie, Oolin, JimM, I.jnn, AiKlcrviu, Armitronif, Wolitcnholm, Karrlck, Himirird and 1'endklou. WAST TO I'AVK. r. Il.Wlckiftal., properly ownr on Hutle atrcel, aLil that iIJ strn-t be )avod wltli aipliall, from Kouth Temple to Fourth Houtli etrreli, at the earlleit convenience of the Council. I,ald on the table. ANOTiiru rAVl.vo I IWlfrtlTIO. The Halt J.iko Btradamant Maallo 1'avlng Co , by V. II. Itemtngton, propoied to Klvo an opportunity U) the Council and Hoard of I'ubllo Worki ki etthenieelveiai to the mcrltanrde mcrlla of the utriularuant )avemenl. Thry cflered to avo wnl gutter llio lutrrecctlou (f Hrrond Houtli and WeitTcmjIeatrceU withe) Inchm of Mphaltle concrete, with a I) Inch itradamant uphill top, mtkliiu; 0 Incheejall thu work to badoueuuir theeurvllon of the Hoard of l'ul.llo Work', wllh tun undcritaudlnK Hint lheu)iupntiy'khouId receive the aame price ptr Muare yard ae tlio contract I tlcu ld fur thu ImIhicu of Wnt Temple ilnit, viz: MM iriiuare yard, lo bo iald when the worU wnv accejted, and the balance when thu contrect on the atreet ihoulj 1m let. rtieiunipauy otlera n Ruarautie ol fheyinra on the emeut an I nu nounced their readlueM lo lieln work at once. I'aVIMI MuTltlCr MJ. 1. Thafoltowluj rcturl frutu the com mlttcti on fctreela ww read: To tba llonorable Mayor and City Coun. clli (Jeullcmen.We return herewith the rcorlor tlivcltyonglnaer wllh hU emit initev for mvlng, ourblng and gut lerlng lll.lrlcl Nu. I, with the rei-om-luonletlon that tho Council a a boily txmild-rlhacitlina'oan l.locUlo uji the com, material and moth xl. o will eay lhai the eitliiutoe aro In exno. of what wo IumI (Inured iiiouf anl the probaltlo cnelof the work would bolmtihtthoeitl utile, In our Judgiueut, by f il.OJO." , Mayor Hoott called Mr. Colin to thu chair, and took thi II Mr. Herald: It mutt be more or Ira plainly apparout lo the Cuuucll that fur ue to avu aa large ndlilrlct aa priMiuinil la limply out of Iheijueetton. rhectchuol Hoard Uemauil thu leiuauce of bund hi carry on their work. luaniwer to thu iiieillou a to how much money thu rtUiool Hoard rnllnl for, Mayorttcutt replied: Hix hundml Ihouiauddollarv, aud In that 1 think they are unreatouable. If their ilu-mand ilu-mand li compiled with It wlllcrlpplu every detriment of llila city aud Ihua obettuct ncedi.! hntirovinleuui. I'av lug of the fetrevta projmeed would, under the (.Inuiiiilaucui, In entirely nut of the i iratluu. I reahxe that the Hchool Jhanl nre talorlng un ilera great dliadvaiiUge at pri-etut for leckofiuian-; they nrutrowdlng chll ureu In to any nud nil kind uf hulld lni(e that can bu aecure'l; achool liouiea aioldly medeil aud uiuil la built, tut I think the board ought to rocon tdrrlhtlrl'it action unit nllieru to thelrorlglnil demand fir tl'iD.OOJ. A irreldeutnf that Uely, I ehall uiu niy iillueitcu In th it dlrei Hon.11 Mr. Knrrlca Mr. Major, how much of a luudlhc; ramclty have we left? Maynr H.-ult AU-ut t,SixJ,uuu. Mr. I.ynn I aluuld llku to know, Mr. Major, whvtheror uot jou havu coniultml with our city or other promt heut attorney e tutbe legality of the ticnool Hoard t lug all iwih! to bond thu city on an additional levy of a two r r cent. Ux( excluilvu of thu four tier lent, luvy by the oil? Mojnr Hl-oII replied In Ibu negative. Mr. I.jnii I have tvnrulted wlthn cumlier uf our but alhrnejt and It eeemilii bthepfeialllngup,nlou that Ihe riihonl Hoard have n right t a two Krirnt. lory Inaillltlou lullio regular regu-lar four per cent tax Muyur rin ill 1 Uu not Hi Ink that can ledoue. lflti.iitilrtlioH(.hool Hoard would aikfnrjl.ouo.ooo. Mr. rarinne I. hImi. coilalilrr tl e denund of tho Hcltocl Hoard h tolng tuJuiU It look to me a though tl u moui y wa aknl for fi r tin other re i aoutbau ltwiexnciiidtli t wu wculd yield to thu dimaiid wllhuut remou etraucu. Mr. Jamia aeutlrniou, I think, and eo do many other bmlmn men of Hit" city, that invlngihould begin on Malnttre t, locate n dlitrlct w here you alii. I tlncerely bellevn that It I radically wreiiK toeilniuit our houd. lug cniaclly on the vlng proxiltlou 1 r wo i uvo ai roiouvl,aniI lnue k hool lioud A iluuiandul, our liondltig camclty will In entirely exhauited and there won 1 1 be nothing le't fir our uccioni. Wu (ertulnly ought tu leavu thinialltllutoviarkou. Mr. Ivarrlck rrniurty owner on Htatu aud Weit Temple etrcrti havu re. quoded Out thoau thoroughfnrea be taveil: In my oilulon their petition eluiuld buKrnntel. Mr. Janie If thetuinry wa forth cunilng It would Ui all rlifbt, but aa It lAuuot be without retorting tu deeper. ntuelralla, Icunttud that It la necea. tary tu i ut down thu dlitrlct. Ouv elle or Ihe other mint glvo way, hither thu council or the Hoard of lMucitlon mint call a hall. Major Hcott I would recommend that the etrect committee or noma other ooiumlttee liu apolnlui tu confer with the property nwnoi on thettroel In imeitlon and thu acerlaln how many Mould bn willing lo pay for laving ut once. Mr. Jaruee I lielleve that Ihe eug. g itlon of the nij or I u good one, j t I lielleve tint the dlitrlct ihoulj bu cut down. Mr. HlTord I moe that hercaOer, whenever to per cent, of the properly uwnrr on auy etrert within Ihe illi trlct from thewiiteldeof Wnt Temple to the nut tide of Htatu ttreet, and from Ihe ninth tide of Houtli lemple to the north eldu of 1'ourtli rioulh tint, a.k to havo Ihe etreet nlmltlng their properly lancil, that tho prnyir be grunted. The motion rtcelved no eecoiid. , Mr. l'arooui Commercial alroet Is not Included In any diilrkt Tho roi eily otrncr on Ibat IhorouRhfiru tltlmicJlo liaiotlioilrnt avod with ai hilt, tail the ooutractora have turucej Ihe work over to anolhrr rouiuiny whlchlali3ul lo liegln totriiewith bituminous rock. Vnlce thla le pre-ventid pre-ventid thutlly will have to y for It, na thepruptrtyownei aru upined to theuiaof Ihitliliil of material and will not pay for It. Mr. James mo, ed Dial Iho city attorney attor-ney be Initruclol tu frame crJIninre creating elx paving dlitrlct ai follow, No. I, from Wrtt Tcnile to Houtli Temtile to the north lino of 1'ourtli Houtli! No. 2, Maluitrtet from Houlh Temple to the berth lino id -mitlli "itilji; Ho. fi, tilale tn-et rroin rliulh Temple lo the north line or fourth Houtli: No. I, KiretHiulli rtreeL from H'nl TintplutiHtatiJ No. o, Heioud Houth, from Wnl Ttmplu to Hlrie atreil, No. 0, Third Houtli atrtx.1, from Weit IVmpIi-toHlale. TliiMillalrlcIa wlllromprliwe'rihtcfn hlocki, a agilnit lx block nol luuhid ed In dlitrlct. Mr. (.'olin nnnouncod that nt to nl jlil'a eonlon hu would bring In an ordinance repealing dlitrlct No. 1, Adjourned until T 10 tonight. |