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Show NTO A LAKE OF F1UE A Train Topplri Orcr .Among Ilurulng Iigs and tbo Cars Tales Urn Immediately. scenes ri even to oc rortaoTTCN roLiow. 1'roplo 1'railLg ror Kiln lo Male An I'm! In Hit Itaragit of the Llrmcnl. Rr Tslssesta lo tL Maws Tllitl'.tTI..VI II AVVIIIILATIIIY. Aeveral Tetiiis Nniromletl t,j Itaglns; I Inmea. Cuttiiri'.'ti'onT, l'a,, May 11. Tonight To-night tin. little towns or Austin, Cot-lello, Cot-lello, GA'tton nnd Moore's Ituu, In 1'ollt r i-uuiity, aro ou Ihu verge of a Iii1o, wosirclelly litlng thrralenrel with Annihilation from lire, Ihsleeein to form nu luiftuetrahle wall nn cither sldo. 1'tir several days pa-t tho skits Imvu Won lighted up with flris In i very dbvi tlou and the flames cret steadily toward thn helpleM towns, until it wane-en that thu eoplt must tlgbU At Moore's Itun, on tho Mahoning; Maho-ning; road, a train load of lereuty.flvt willing rut li, sent nut from Austin on Hur.day- night, havo I ecu fighting tho lire by t- cry mice Iv able means. 'Ihey made tninihcs, jdle.il up rartli and llghlud back fltm, but weru finally obllgvd to retreat. Tbe men hastily luonlcd tbo train and startetl to uaku thu run lo niiothrjlut, when It wot round tint tbey weruhemmud lu by forest fin on one ildn and A huge skid-way skid-way of tainilng logs on the uther. It was finally decided to dash past tlio burning sklclway and tho otiglnrer'a , Aiii nretiianAfacea wero covered with i elanip cloths nnd their arms and bawls corercd Willi wool. They dAshed through thn wall of fire. Tho surontj-flro exhausted meu gathered In ctruui on th lists for pro let tlou or lay on their faces on lb ' lloors. As Tim jit.vxi((i runNAcn of logs waa approached the beat list-cam list-cam unbearable, nnd the smoke was mi blinding and stilling Hist 'the mou were obliged to cover their mouths with i lolhs. Just upiuslto Ibi- millions of feet bt burning log, wlirru tho heat and smoke and llanet wts-u tlio greatest, n Iirrlble thing occarrcid. Tbteitglneer ad forgotten Unit Mich great heat would surely warp tho rails. Suddenly there was a lurch, aii csmluous heaving And a shriek of derinilr as Ibetralu ton 'led over Inlci Uio lit'll of lira beneath. be-neath. A soenu enstied never to bu forgotte n by tho who caeard, tliougta every man will Insir to thu grave too maikof that Awrccl moment. Tin: CAH.1 CAUtitiT tng llkusomany playthings nntl the mou withlu, half blinded and scarcely reaming anything except that they weru being slowly ruwttd lo death, struggled fearfully to regulu tb track, whero satety lay for llm tlnw at least. Thosu unliijurvit from lira fall and only smarting from the (aln of Ihu Inter.to best bravely lu'iird tbtdr burcetl and blackc ned hands to Aid thu moro tin-rorlunale tin-rorlunale fellows. At this bour(lU rem )lt lsliuosslb to secure details, tliotigli It la kuowu that HuArliiteuilent iladger of thu Hliinrmahoning valley railroad, who was lu charge of thu train, went down tiudrreotue ot thu wruckaie aud waa undoubtedly llL'ltMl) TO UKATir, Hlx others also miserably perlshod at oucu or died soou afterwatd, and thllty others of Uie party were badly burned, many probably fatally, having Inhaled the flames, riuven others of tbo psrly aru lululng aud their fatu unknown, though tbey am likely lu thu charred wood of Ibu logs or train. Tho remaluder or thn (tarty savvd themsolrca by lying down In tbt creek. He lief partlea stalled as soon ai Ilia fearful notts spread, but will hardly l able to reach tbo place or the wreck unless thu llrei bav tainted them-selvei.out. them-selvei.out. Owing to thu great devastation devas-tation done to everything In Ihn way of Ihu lire, communication is badly lu-trrru) lu-trrru) ted and It li luiioMi!ble to learn tho names of thu men burned or mining. min-ing. Ai to Iho damage, It li known that ID,-nod,!)!) ID,-nod,!)!) hemlock Iocs and o,uuj corda of valuable bark havu alreudy beu destroyed and the fins are raging w Knout Kn-out any appiclahle diminution. Thn Ioph nru praying far rain, aa It seems nothing but a dreachlug will quench tbtt llames. Millions of beacon lights see-ni to bo burning from every mountain moun-tain ami hllltldu and thu air tt so op. prcsslvu that many workers faint fruot exbeu.lloii An 1 art draggt.t AWAy from thn tlame. that lias dona nothing as ul but steadily advance. Twelve solid i miles of limber lu ouu district list aire ady been burned aud Hie oud ll not yit. |