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Show I LH.Ul.r. ant IhaWUII Vrralra. )lat iiermna do not know that tho proa nt rallaay mall unlets "ko a nuuiWr of otl(er thhiga, win an 011U fTowlli of tho w ir, and waa llrat placed hi opumtlon uai tho Chicago and Xortliweatcrn rallnwl belaaen Clilcn-pi, Clilcn-pi, Ula, hnd Chntoti, la., In June, ISC I. Tlio ITUterlid drawn upon for the work waa to u groat oitont tho oi-auldlera oi-auldlera lit tho war ot tho roUlllon, and It la now acknowledged that without with-out them the aerilca could not h.va nnrlinil lla high atandunt of eflldeney. Tlioy wero Inured to liahlalilna, accua-toinl accua-toinl to dittlpllno, tualuatrloua, faithful faith-ful nnd aa oliedk-nt at long rntigu aa under tho eyea of their nttlorra. They wrro alro found to ho full of reaourcea In einergencliia, onimblo of acclng w hero liuprni rineuta u 1 ro dealmblo and of In-telliginlly In-telliginlly making valuable practical aiifyeitluiia. Indiaiiaxilla Journal. |