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Show TUB UMUUtATIU fl.UU limn a Tall for a .Mh Mrrllng To He Held In Ihe fliralrr. Tlio Central Democntlo Club haru ImuciI m call for a mau uicttlng to le hel I lu Ihe Theatre on IVIday evening next, beginning at 8 o'clock, to ratify tbo pilnclle embodied lu thu plat form Adopted a, few day ago and pub llihed In theeu columui. Htwaken will tie In attendance, and everylxuly In vlted, TbecAlllilgnedby l'rnuk II. Dyir, irellciitoflhn Cuutnl On mo. erotic Club of Halt !ake cuuuty, Utah, and J. H. lietiher, eecrelary; alio bj thufollowlu; vrill-kuowii guntlrnieu: A, T. HJironler, Kred I.jon, A. I.. 1'olUk, W. II. Dile, W. ll.Koy, Jaiuea A. William, W. H. Hamilton, P. II. Dyer, J, I,. Ilawllne. J. W. Judd, A. U. Norrell, J. M. Kennedy, II. C. UU, W. It. tflbbe, II. II. Cabel, Junathau C. Ilojal, Thonia Marehall, J. U. Hutherlaml. Waldemar Van Colt, H. W. Darke. William Hurke, J. J. MoAchrau, l. I)., It. K. lleair, J. M. Voting, A. II. Hawyir, II. J. Dliinlnir, It. C. t hamlier, lieu. N. Ilrown, II. II. Mcl.iinny, (J. Jl. r.-eemau, M. I) , (I. It. Ilarratt, W. II. Waterman, Nat. M llrlxhani.J. W.Jnrunon, U. H. Murray, M. II. Howie, Prank Ilarrli, William Condon, W. II. Lett, Ham'l. C. A. Merrill, Ueorge Oimoud, CyruiH, ilawley. |