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Show l'lillct! ."Sens. John O'D.y, well Lnown In police circle, wa nrialuol htforo Juetlcu I.aiicy today, uu the diuble ctiar'u ol ilrunLeiiiie nnl ulut; abuilvu Ian Kuaue, bit wai found not icutlty auJ illiciiarsul. 'Ultimo Ilurnc, nil alleinl Tafiraut, wrutakinliituH-liy the illcu tmlny nu I III lie slvcti a hearing tomorrow mornluit. h red. Wll.on, n native of r.nglaml and nt cent nrrlval In till ilty.wa arreeteil by Onlicr Uleun till aflir-noon aflir-noon for iteallnic a pair of ihoe from Walker llro. ktore. W. II. llrook I III the city Jail awaltlilic trial for Kilt lirieiiy, W111. Illation, thu uotorltiut aniak thief aud roulldeuio man, wu aen tented by Judje I.aney today to lx inonthaMmirlBonmuut In the couuty Jail and to ay u lluu of .'OJ and tland euminllled until audi Hue wa aid, at thuruteof Jl per day, |