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Show e'r.r.vrr. eii iv iirirtio. lie ll.llt.rs lliiiii..rl-llo Hpeeeli It lie Yonus Jlen. Iluir.M), May lie The German Vouug Men'n Asaielatlou ctdebrated IU nttletli anutvrrsary tonight. Tlio irlnclpal sivtnt was tboiinenco and s.eech or exd'ccsldi lit Cloveliud, bis brst public appearance hero lu eight years. H received an ovntlon when IioappcarcHlon thu platform, audtbet onlhu.la.ni of tho great nudlencu waa j.l.ilnly leailug to lil.n. Arterthuiixerclseaa coinpllmentary dinner was given lu honor of Cleveland Cleve-land at tbo Hotel Irutpioli by hli tier-sonaUndpolltliMl tier-sonaUndpolltliMl frlouds lu Itutlalo. In bli remtilti In rvon' to tbo toait matler'i welcouio Mr. Cleveland wai rriululiccnt. Ho said be bad been strlr-ing strlr-ing for ittvital years to believe thalhu was still ou tbo sunny sldoi.f Iho tlmu which sepiratiA mlddlo igo from thn last declivity of llfo, but now here, recalling thu menivrles of thirty tlvo eara ago, be J lelded tbo llrugglu and eu rolled himself among llinsn no longrryouiig. iluiill lilsmludwas fall of recollc tlona of ixiirlrnco cuu neclcJ with his cirly llfo In Ilutlalo. Homo of Ihtsw we r rugged, but liealth-fell, liealth-fell, and tbey anaar lu him now rob-tanl rob-tanl of everything save thu feature that madu thitn welcomu memories, ltcfertlug lu a Jocular way to hll former for-mer law partner, Illascll, who waa present, Cleveland said: "I am glad lo know that lie has grown lo ho a fair lawvtr andare-iiwctablo andare-iiwctablo iltlxen. I understood that bo lately married, which Is aomethlng Hint for Iho last lire or ilxjearil have thought was a rery proper thing for a man of Ills ago or even my age to do." Inferring to ItufTalo'i first mayor. Clerelaud said hu wai not acquainted with thu gentlemin, but recalled distinctly dis-tinctly tho celebration of ilullaloV semi-centennial, and waa well acquainted ac-quainted with tho man who wai thou mayor. this nun, afterward! dibbled In Htatn and National lolltlca. At any rale, be bit I a government Job for four vcanaul then, llkn others, lost till place. Ho wai accused, I Am told, of talking too much abmt Iholarltrand charted Willi ntttrtuptlug lo ruin Ibo country In divers and mudry ways. In jiolntof fact, however, I am convinced that notwithstanding all wo bear of c Ivll sorvlco reform, he was dtscbargoj forpurtly rtl"ae rrssons. Ho did a great deal or hard work and waa much )ierinexod and troubloi, bit I know hli gn alert trial was Ids alienation or luinr H,rsiiual and ihjIIIIcvI friends In making a jlnlmi nla to rnllces. 1 1 was ImisMslblo to arol 1 this, nnd It will coutlnue to lio Impossible at long ai tlio applicant an I appointor occupy such entirely different luts of oh. serration, and as long ai public duty may sometime! stand In tbo way u( personal friendship. |