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Show THE III 111 IV III' 1111111110. The Inteallxnllng I iimiulllra tlo uol Air... Nivv Vomc, May 11. The commit, teonf thu New ork I'rcabytory np pointed to tomlder tho alleged herese In tbonddreu or Jtor. Dr. ilrhrgibe. forn thu Union Tlunloglfol Bemluarj, January 20th last, submitted their re-tiort re-tiort before a meeting or tho presbytery presby-tery this aftornooii. Tho majority re-pott re-pott openly accuses! Dr. Ilrlggi of l1!1?' IV"1 f"0'11 elUtrgtnctj from belief be-lief In lli church, aa itaintl In tbo con. ft salon of faith, It wan gnJ bylluv. Dr. J. W. Illrch, Ittv. I)r. Jeisi F l-orbe ;, I lev. I Jr. Joseph J. Lamp aud i'rof, John J.cltovenion. Tho minority report wai pri sound solely by llov. Jr. J. H. Mtllvanonf tho Cliurcli of tho Covenant. Walter l.dwarda, u lawyer, who wai also un Ihe committee, declined to sign eHlier rrs,it. Hu ngiee-i with Ihn majority ai lo Its llrst ankle, ".yaircviofdlrliin authority," And agues Willi tho minor-lly minor-lly ti'joit on thu oilier recoiutnenda-Hot recoiutnenda-Hot a. riiernwrta A large aiidlencoiriinint whin the insdijlcry i-onveiictl till atlrrnonu, Including ilieopponenlaund lartl.Atis or Dr. Hilggs, nnd them was much npi lament illllelent iolnts In tbo delnte. When Ihu routine liiiluiMwas laku up Dr. Hasting aro-ec and offend rtiolullona, setting forth thn action of llm Che.u r (Fa.) preslij tcry, wlilcb mndo tbo llrst complaint com-plaint against Dr. llrlgrrs, and declaring declar-ing thai tbe New 101k trtabylery overturei the general n-scmolytu pro-nouncu pro-nouncu Against tbe Chester pnibylery lH-c-iusn It violated Ihn cunslltullonal rights of llriggi lu declaring hi vlewi wrung while ho li n member or Ihn New York presbytery In good standing; nnd violated tho constitutional right of Ihn New Yetk prcshylury, which lias a-ilejuilsdlctloiiaver llrlggs. Hlmllir action was asketl agalmt other presbyteries presby-teries which have followed thu lead of Chester. After n vigorous debato the Hasting rc-mlullon wailefealed,brtoS7, Then Dr. llrlggs arose and read a lengthy protest tgalnrt Ibo action or tho pre. byte by-te ry of Now York In apKlnlltig a committee, of Investigation of hli Inaugural In-augural aidrc, ito., as unconstitutional, unconstitu-tional, a a violation of Ihn usigca of lh denomination, und aia breach of Justice and sound discipline. After an uiilnttlllglblo wrangling over motions, aii adjournment waa taken until tomorrow, tho retort of Iho cnniinltteo living inado Ihu first order of Iho day. |