Show 1 F to Get Peep at Mars If there a are re civilized ed animals livIng living liv liv- ing lag on on th planet Mars as the tue great astronomer Camille would have us believe he Is to get th tile the chance of his life to prove his contention Chilean astronomers announce that they have invited to their new now mo mountain observatory at in the I Andes nd rs mountains At Chanar l a huge telescope has lies been constructed construct construct- ed el of which the tube i la Is a deep mine shaft in lieu of the usual metal device Within a few m months this shaft will wi have Mars In excellent excellent excellent excel excel- lent range and M. M will possibly be able to lo observe his Martian Martian Martian Mar Mar- tian creatures McAdoo's claim that taxes can he be lower lowered d and the soldiers still have a bonus Is just like l wI w- w jn big your cal cake e an l It too I I Boston Eagle |