Show FILM PILM PEOPLE I FLOCK FLOOK TO FRISCO PRISCO FOR POR BIG TIME SA SAN FRANCISCO Tan 19 Mo Mo Motion Io- Io tion had Ran San Francisco at Its disposal t today lay having taken taleen possession of ot the city as a's as a preliminary preliminary nary to the he annual ball and frolic tonight of or the Western Association of Motion Picture Advertisers known as th thO thu Observers needed no telescopes to tolee see lee the stars who came to the cl city y yby by bv train trail ship motor and airplane The days day's celebration Included a parade paradO of or mo movie mole le celebrities a R luncheon In their followed bv by an automobile tour of the city The ball tonight ht Is to be he held In Mie jue he civic civic auditorium The frolic was brought to San Francisco prin because of the time limit Imposed on dancing In Los Angeles which precipitated aad the recent controversy controversy con con- T o blue law enforcement enforce enforce- ment In that city enforce I |