Show I COOLIDGE EXPECTS NO I SERIOUS DIFFICULTIES WASHINGTON Jan 19 Gov Gov Government ei of officials Ucla Is continued their study of the Mexican situation to today to to- day with ith particular attention to the rebel attempt to blockade Tampico Tampico Tampico Tam- Tam pico while white the cruiser Richmond nd approached Vera Yera Cruz to take aboard the members of ot the crew of the wrecked Tacoma who are ashore In that city under protection protection protection pro pro- of American Consul Wood The cabinet yesterday esterday devoted most of Its attention to the Mexican can problem but after the session It was asserted at the White House that no difficulties are aro expected by President Coolidge to develop elop Inthe in inthe inthe the situation around which is held by the De Dc la Ia Huerta forces SOME SOME- TO REMAIN Whether the Richmond will t take ke aboard Captain Sparrow and the forty eight men still on tho the Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Ta Ta- coma has not been m made de known It Is thought however that some navy personnel will b be kept on tho the stranded ship pending completion of wrecking or salvaging opera opra The Richmonds Richmond's arrival will provide provide pro pro- vide ride means for direct communication tion by wireless under American America 11 control with rebel-controlled rebel territory territory ter ter- ter- ter and this It is believed in some somo quarters may facilitate ne negotiations ne- ne with the Do De la Huerta leaders looking to the keeping of Tampico open to commerce Another angle of the situation was adjusted tod today y to the satisfaction satisfaction satis saUs faction of the federal government go when the acting governor of Texas telegraphed that permission for passage of Mexican federal troops through that that state would be gran granted ted |