Show TAKES Higher Figures Rule fo Many Issues NEW YORK TORK Jan 19 Prospects of el continued low rates for money further advances in crude crile oil prices and report of an Impending Increase In the price of steel products tended to prices fairly well in today's brief session sea ses aba sion of he stock market but there were of taking profit and evidence o of some short selling United States Cast Iron Pipe broke points from its carl carljr high figure and Davison Chemical several sev several eral cf tX the motors and a few of rubbers rub rub- bers also moved noved lower Higher figures figure ruled for various equipments and th th public utility shares The closing was wai steady Sales approximated shares Stock prices moved Irregularly at the opening of today's stock market Tidewater Oil and May Department Stores each advanced a point but Phil Phil- lips Petroleum was heavy selling points below yesterdays yesterday's close Uncertain tam tain movements took place throughout the list with fluctuations narrow and Irregular Weakness of Phillips Petroleum wa due to the announcement of new log ing Maxwell A wa was strong rising t 0 points while U. U S. S Cast Iron Pipe Westinghouse West West- Air Brake and New York Ai Air Brake each moved up 1 Consolidated Cigar preferred dropped 3 points tha th common 1 American Banknote 2 Mack MackS Truck and West Vie 1 each American pr X broke 11 points Foreign changes were heavy on speculative sell lell-j log ing Inspired by this the threatened railway mens men's strike |