Show I Mother Gives Farewell Tea For Daug Daughter l ef Mrs Irs L. L I I- K Hall entertained at attea attea tea this at her home on East Kast First North Korth str t from Cram CramI 4 I until G 6 o'clock for her ner daughter Mrs I W. W F E- E Tracy Trac- who leaves cs soon Eoon for Sacramento Ca Cal to make her home home- The reception hall haIl was decorated inI in I snapdragons and the living Jiving room in fri marigolds and daisies The tea table was vas as c centered n erro with a slIver stiver basket of pink roses and pink cande candles can can- dIe I In La silver er holders were at either cad end Mrs Mrs- A. A J. J Gorham Gorham and Mrs E Irs E. E F. F Hanna pour poured d. d assisted a by Eleanor Hobbard mss Miss Nanon anon Miss mss Hazel Dazel Bour- Bour I paard gaard Mrs ROES Hartwell Mrs I Lloyd Garrison and Mrs rs J. J D D- Hard Little W MISS Hiss s Emily 11 ll and i g One Barbara b hundred Garrison invitations rl received l the were r cards is is- is sued sue I N The The- The Elks Elks ladles ladIes entertained at a cIrl cArel party this his afternoon at the K of P P. hall haIl on Oll State str street eL Seventy tables ables were arranged for cards and ferns and potted potte-d plants decorated decorate the room Tour Four handsome pries were given gh-cn and the committee on arrangements Included ed Mrs Henry floury HenryCook Cook Mrs James Tames B BaIr air Mrs O. O D. D Corless Mrs George Wa Watson son Mrs Irs C- C C. C S. S Goddard Mrs A. A L L. Weir Mrs r E. E E. E Bennett Mrs John Pack Mrs S. S A. A hirk Mrs D. D T. T Lane Mrs Tames A. A H. H Wood and Mrs Earl 1 S Members of or the the ther P. P E. E O. O sister sister- all local chapters celebrated founders' founders day with a luncheon to tod today today to- to d day y at 1 o'clock at the Hotel Fifth East The TIle guests were seated a at small tables and aud the tho luncheon was progressive The decorations decoration were in yellow carried out with candles an and anil spring flowers and the place cards bore the P P. P E. E O. O insignia Mrs Irs P P. A. A Dix of Ogden and Mrs Grace Cooper of Price were out of or town guests Sixty were in attendance attend attend- ance The program included Sex Sex- et et Loves Old Sweet Song Hear the Bees Humming a Miss liss Frances Jensen M Mrs s. s A. A C. C Watts Mrs C. C J J. McCormick Miss Doris floris Buriff and Mrs L L. D. D Anderson Anderson Anderon Ander Ander- son on acco Ta i d by Mrs rr G George rg E R I Lavies Ketches o 01 or the me lives or of I Ithe the he founders of P P. E. E 0 O. by Mrs HJ H H. J T Fitzgerald erard Mrs J. J T T. T Pt Pence nce Mrs Sirs Richard M. M Price Mrs Charles B B. McElroy Mrs G. G W. W Neely Mrs irs H H. M. M Rhodes and ard Mrs A. A J. J Champion Play The Feast of or the Holy Innocents Innocents Inno Info cents Olsey directed by Miss Claire Kuck The following took part part- Mrs C C. J. J McCormick Mrs Irl George E. E Davies Mrs II H. G. G Goldstein Goldstein Gold Goldstein stein Mrs S. S C C. Hammond and Miss Lois Loi Carmichael Miss Alice B. B Mac entertained enter enter- entertained a at tea at Rowland Hall halt yest yesterday yes- yes t afternoon from 4 until 6 G Gg o'clock g for the ir- ir ire grade pupils fils of the school and their parents e A pink l I cyclamen formed a centerpiece for forthe forthe forthe the table and pink c-a c candles were were in crystal hol holders ers A lace cover r was use used Assisting In receiving were Mrs George H. H Smith Mrs A. A Kerchner Miss Dorothy Dorpthy Savage and I Miss Edith Savage Miss Macdonald Macdon- Macdon ald aid presided a at the tea toa table Assisting As- As fisting in serving were WE're Miss Aurelia Hansen MIss lIs Hardy an and Miss Mary Curtis Fifty guests were in atten attendance dance S S SIn In honor of ot Mrs J T H. H Darrohn formerly Miss Beth Green Misses Marion Petersen Ruth Ensign Merlin Mer Mer- lin un Miller and ACtor Williams en entertained entertained entertained en- en this afternoon at a theare theare theare the- the are and luncheon party Covers were laid for toY the following in ad addition addition addi addi- l- l tion to guest of or honor and anti the hostesses host- host p esses s s. s Misses Hilma Peterson Vera VeraI I- I Kirkwood Claire Birrell Gladys Teasdale and Beatrice Droubay On One hundred tables were reserved for the mah tea given this afternoon by tho the Lamb Phi Lambda sorority of the University of U Lah ah at the NewhousE hotel on the mezzanine floor loor The tables vi were ere covered with cloths bearing the insignia of or the sorority in bronze and during the afternoon Miss Iss Virginia Freeze gave vocal numbers In Chinese costume and a mah specialty was wag given by ten of ot the freshmen girls Including Miss Maurin Stevenson Miss Alameda Alameda Alameda Ala- Ala meda Bagley Bagle Miss Violet Johansen Miss Alameda Newman Miss lIss Lois Richardson Miss Vera Peton and Miss Ca Catherine herine Bud Budd The committees committees committees commit commit- tees on arrangements included Entertainment Miss Virginia Freeze tickets Miss Maurine laur ne Wonton Worlton Worlton Worl- Worl ton Miss Glad Gladys s 's Rich cards and tables Miss Vernetta linds y Miss Ruth Barnard Miss Lora Lona Lindsay reception Mrs Vern I Mrs Calvin Rawlings Mrs Rulon Hales Mrs Martin Miss lIss Ella Ws W's Streeper Miss Ardelia Sabine a 1 Miss Amy Miss Lucille Margets Margetts Mar Mar- ge gets getts ts and Miss Afton Wright Miss fIss Lola Cook COk and nd Miss Margaret I Van Cott entertained at a dancing lancing party last night at tho the Cook home 1267 Yale avenue A late supper was served Pink Pink- and white sweet I peas In a low bowl formed a centerpiece centerpiece centerpiece center center- piece for the supper able Gold GoldI I candles in bronze holders holder were rere used 1 The guests numbered sixty S S S 0 Miss Caroline Evans of ot New York is the guest of Mr and Mrs W W. E. E Traughber for th the week e end Mrs Irs Grace A. A Cooper of or Price Price- Is in the citY for a few days Mrs Cooper will attend the founders' founders day luncheon of or the P. P E. E 0 O. O sisterhood today at the Ho hotel Hoel el Fifth East |