Show fI jeen Queries addressed to this department should be addressed to Mill MIs Kathleen Kaye Department Salt Lake Telegram Salt Lake City Utah Queries are limited to one question each written on only one aide of the paper with full name and of writer appended also name or Initials to be used for Identification In column All names and addresses are held In strictest confidence Do not write In pencil 4 Do not ask for private reply For special service phone Wasatch between 11 and 12 When necessary phone for the location of any commodity mentioned In this department Dear Miss Kaye My problem is a very serious one one Miss Kaye It seems that I In Ino Ino n no longer can have a good time All my old friends that Ive I've played prayed with since a child no longer look up to tome tome tome me but just go with me when there is no one else to go with Miss Kaye Kayo I feel very badly and try to act just as nice as possible Even my boy friends dont don't pay any at attention at at- to me only when the other girls are around Please Miss Kaye tell me what todo do And dont don't tell me to be I sweet because there isn't anything 1 sweet about me and I couldn't be if there was Hoping you can give me an Im Immediate Immediate Im- Im mediate remedy I am DISCOURAGED Idaho x But there must be something sweet about you ou little girl there i Just MUST be else those about you Will ill not ot be drawn to you So If it you rou haven't anything sweet your first first step should be to cultivate that quality Possibly theres there's where most of ot your our difficulty centers cOnters- about your our lack of amiability and unselfish interest In the Interests of of- others others others-it if what you u say Is true true- To Tobe be attractive one must have personal magnetism and one way to create that is b by being wholly lovel lovely mind bod body and spirit But i I SUgg suggest t hone honey that we not accept accept ac ac- ac- ac your your anal analysis sis of yourself for you ou cannot see yourself as others see you And AndOU you OU are so far re removed removed removed re- re moved that I cannot see you ou so is there not an older friend some friend some er very nice woman to you ou could unburden yourself and ask to tell you ou just what Is the matter you Possibly theres there's something something some some- thing wholly unobserved by you Is ls' JIt it possible that it could be lack tt oJ JH personal daintiness Or per per- haps a. ver very bad mannerism of or Stifle some sort Almost certainly It is you rou can overcome Ifon If it only on can locate It and that can do only onh by going to some- some ojie enough olle enough to iq be frank with you you tc nc who really knows yo o ft you When i you do that dear then Wi and I Ill I'll try to help helP I f on op 1 tt lIsh whatever er it Is o. o I Dear r WH c I loy ism me mec K c weve we've found found Buddy Budd I- I 9 have e the name quite E j I besides Mrs Vickers l 1 i j now so that's wh why i 1 t find her when I made my lk v You rou can reach her at West Second North street Wa- Wa J. J. it sweet of ot Mrs Vickers' Vickers to to help us to this 3 Lets Let's t's ts h both thank them then here hero and now so they'll know how we appreciate It what S hat v say sar Dear Dea Miss Kaye Would you please give me the ca P f the week and the horoscope of January 12 1898 I am em locking looking for these facts in connection with some research work ark ork I am doing n J Jr L. L H. H Salt LaKe Horr Sorry but after aeter this this- long search I find that tha any horoscope worth worthwhile worthwhile worthwhile while must mut be bought and paid for tor January 12 1898 fell on a Wednes Wednes- da day d. b Dear bear I I have a lovely Maltese kitten and away so must part with it Will WiIl Vill you have someone call at Second South South someone someone t at I can give it to Thank you SUBSCRIBER Salt Lake o doubt someone wi be most happy 11 to call for your your kitten Mrs S Subscriber Trust so Welcome v Dear Drar Miss Kaye Hero I am again and 1 J I hope I am Please tell m me the fol fot- lowing things about Tom Mix Age where born Jorn nationality where edu edu- address and his real name Hoping I am amno no bother and with witha a l lot t of love I I. I lam am R F C C. C. C Bingham Tom Mix uses ilses his own name his name his one and only Ho He was born and educated In Texas and became a am m of the Rough Riders durins dur- dur ins the Spanish-American Spanish war He lie Is thoroughly Is American Address Fox studios r Los os Angeles eles Cal Xo No 0 bother at all R. R C. C C. C and I thank you I By DR On LiLLIAN WHITNEY Copyright 1923 New York Evening World Press Co DEFECTS Today we ve smile at such melodramatic melodramatic matic titles as Her Face Was Vas Her Fortune yet the caption contains an eternal truth wl which ch every girl realizes She realizes it Instinctively from early childhood that childhood that In order to attract attention she must be attractive tive Never In the history of at our time has beauty been so deeply longed for and sought after arter Women go to any length to remodel a feature which detracts from their beauty In BO so short an article I cannot enter into the value of surgery as a corrective to defects At one time It was almost entirely In th the tha hands of quacks and mountebanks The Insistence insIstence insistence Insist insIst- ence of ot modern women that the hands handsor of or time be stayed and that defects be corrected has led a number of reputable reputable reputable table surgeons to give this work the benefit of their skill and genius The beautification of slight defects Is quite wit within ln the scope of home treatments For Instance much can be done to remold and reshape the fleshy leshy parts of the face by patient pa patient pa- pa tient persistent effort carried out in inthe inthe inthe the privacy of ones one's home Bony Imperfections imperfections Im Im- im- im perfections of course require surgical Interference in some Instances the cheeks appear excavated owing to I. I the peculiar formation of or the bones and although the soft tissues coverIng coverIng cover- cover Ing log them may not be particularly thin still the race face has a a. hollow look which Is not pleasing to the eye and often causes its owner genuine annoyance The rhe cheeks can be plumped In various various various va- va va va- rious ways First of course courseS the tha health mu must t be looked after as no local means are ever effectual when tl 3 3 general condition is below par The local circulation should be stimulated stimulated with massage treatment andall and andall andall all those preliminaries so frequently entered Into in these papers as to cleansing and softening the skin akin and putting it Into a receptive state for the absorption of fattening creams be fully carried out Then the cream is applied and worked into the hollow hol hol- hoi hoi- low places with slow circular movements move move- ments meats consuming considerable time after which the tissues are grasped between the thumb and forefingers and forcibly drawn out away from the bone and allowed to recede This movement mo is to be pursued ten teen twenty times Its action Is the same as the vacuum cup but safer safet in the hands of ot the inexperienced After this iced compresses are laid over the parts manipulated for five or ITs tissues ten minutes to further tone toie tope up the |