Show IN AGREEMENT Idaho Producers to Cooperate Cooperate Cooperate Coop Coop- erate With Utah Men IVIen V LO Idaho Jan Tan 19 19 n representatives from the beet gro grow Brow vIng v- v ing lug counties of southern southern- Idaho met In Pocatello today and agreed d that i the I sn luar ar companies should split fifty fifty-fifty t fifty on the actual extraction The Tho growers also favor or a minimum I price of 6 per ton for beets and for I tho reduction of 2 cents per ton to I Ibe be Dp used in financing and tion The Idaho growers wont went on record as cooperating the Utah farm bureau in drawing up a J. J contract contract con con- tract which will be satisfactory to both the growers and sugar com corn pan ies V V The following were appointed members inen-ibers of the tho beet committee to represent the tho beet growers of Idaho and to select a committee to meet the the Utah growers rowers and formulate a contract for for the tho year car 19 1924 4 C. C O. O Greenwood of Jerome Haven Leigh of Burley Hurley J. J D. D Koenig of Twin Falls J. J J. J Facer of ot Tyhee Peter eter Jensen of Oneida county J. J Neilson of Preston F. F Cook Cool of Parish J. J II 11 I Hale of Blackfoot Ward Falkner Fallmer of Idaho Falls FaIls William Sauer of LewI Lewisville Lewisville Lew- Lew I s. s III e. e G. G A. A of Sugar City I and John F. F Kamas of Teton |