Show BONO Gl CLAIMS NU NO I liABIliTY Argument in Contractors' Contractors Case Before Court Demurrer to to th the complaint and and I motion to dismiss as to the tile bonding bond bond- bond I ing companies furnishing bonds for the tile city were argued ar argued argued ar- ar gued this morning before Judge A. A R. R Barnes of the district court courtin in the case of ot the contractors of the city against members of the city commission to enjoin the street department from doing public pub pub- lic lie improvement work except under con contract tract The city filed filed- fileda a d demurrer to the entire complaint alleging that it I does not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action The bonding companies through their counsel asked that the complaint complaint com corn plaint of the tile contractors be dIsmissed dismissed dismissed dis dIs- missed as to them on the ground that the commissioners do not handle handlo any money and amid the bonding companies would not Ilot be liable for such acts of the commissioners as asset asset asset set forth in the suit The matters argued were taken talen under advisement by the court Charges that the contractors are are really prompted by a de desire desire deSire de- de sire to hinder the commission from rom giving the public efficient work worl at atless atless atless less cost cOit are contained in ill the answer arm an of Salt Lake Cit City to toe original original ori ori- I an-I ginal suit which was filed in the court yesterday esterday afternoon I The suit of the contractors was directed at Commissioner T. T T. T Burton in particular to restrain him him from proceeding with work on I Ithe the section of the Bonneville boulevard boule boule- yard vard across the Fort Douglas reservation reservation reser reset and with work on the Jordan river sewage canal The complaint charged illegal procedure in that work worl which the law requires to be done under contract contract con con- tract was b being ing by the commissioner commissioner com missioner with department labor con I The answer r filed med by Ci City y Atto Attorney ney W W. II 11 Folland denies all tile the allegations of 01 the contractors a as as asserts assorts sorts that what work is being done is wholly within the law and is be being being being be- be ing performed at less cost to the taxpayer |