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Show If You Vote v IT WILL Nat RAISE YOUrS In Yeafs to Co Be Sure Toy, AN ENGINEER ANOTHER CITIZEN "Every Hydro-Electric possibility should be 7 , "I wish all of our citizens would see this- "i fully developed." there would be little oposition." g A MAYOR . ' mm mm ' s I ( . "Would that we had such possibilities near I Springville Citizens cannot realize what our town. Most of us spend more for water I stra J an asset this development will be." alone; you get water and electricity! 1 AN ENGINEER ir , , .fl .kr, h u - I am very well pleased with possibilities, j Z J "You have two ideal places for head houses, , You can provide for your town for a long time I jj and have outlined a wonderfully conceived and with this plan." 1 . . ' A FIRE B698AKCE E A mm COMPANY ' - TE APJUSTOH "If Springville would like to make some "As long as we know your plans are beinn j.w, money we'd like to buy the whole project, when carried out, your fire rates should remain the completed, but we'll admit you won't buy water same." j ml as cheaply as you do now." I fays( " AM ENGINEER a AN ENGINEER OF T "Iwas alitle skeptical of your power and HAT! AtJ A I DEmiTC ' head-house sites, but I find they have been well ElABlUllAL hLrUlt taken care of. It seems good to me to see n fV, , ' . , EVERY POSSIBLE USE in a water supply is I Down the canyon, m my judgment, is the being controlled. I even checked your power m6 best way to develop this project A second-foot and water output a little higher than your en L of water at the head-house m Bartholomew is - gineer." v I cl 0t'ThisULt thePbestSjob of gathering I have SALES MANAGER OF ' Line I esh I had a power site as good as this . A WATER SUPPLY HOUSE k near my home town." "A lchan?e J A very unique plan." I speak ( f I School A COUNTY COMMISSIONER k SWITC,i GEAR EXPERT Hi a LS AngekS SUCh- 1 J device: I "Your plan is okey. There is no doubt of 1 1 AN ENGINEER tomtic t,evicos" "Central Utah Development w?ll take ad- FhiOM AN UNSOLICITED LETTER C. IttyZ! ibilities if you don,t-and OF UTAH CO. ENGINEERING SOCIETY A CITIZEN Bartho omew plan, the Association publicly C . d01iscs the project as a very feasible comm "It's wonderful! I have never realized what endeavor. It is our opinion that there is victor we've had for our money; I'll certainly tell all ' suierable merit to the plan, and that many W"' edci my friends !" f Jts will accrue to your city upon complete the the project." SPRINGVILLE QTl 1 di4;s Do You Believe in the Future of Springville? VOTE YES For the Bond Election! ORDINANCES 600 AND 601 - FOR SALE CHEST of Drawers, Dresserette, cocktail table, lamp table, maple arm chair with matching- book trough, end table, occasional chair. Phone 552-J. 600 South Main. A-21-p BUILDING Lot in new home dis- III trict, near 1st South and 5th East. Inquire basement apt. 328 III East 2nd North. a21p 1937 STUDEBAKER Sedan; new tires, radio, heater. Phone 265-R5 265-R5 or 68. a21p HIAWATHA Motor scooter. $70.; I Inquire Firestone Store a21p 210 x 60 ft. building lot with fruit I trees and berries. Between 4th and 5th East on 1st North. Mrs. I Jean Ashby, 436 East Center. a28p LARGE 2-wheel trailer. Inquire 290 West 3rd So. Phone 47W a21p MISCELLANEOUS I DRESSMAKING Mildred Sim-mons, Sim-mons, 340 East 2nd So. Phone 658-R. a28p GOOD UTILITIES and Lower Taxes Bring a Good Class of Residents VOTE YES On BOTH BALLOTS of The Bond Election! . VOTE! I |