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Show Beetgrowers Urged To Start Early Planting later than a year ago and we urge all of the beet growers that there be a 100 percent .cooperation between be-tween them in the handling of the beet drills, with this in mind, that at least 80 percent of this year's plantings will be seeded in the first twelve days of the planting season, in order for this to be accomplished, accomplish-ed, beet drills should be kept working on full time and this can only be done by everyone of the growers cooperating with their neighbors in seeing that the beet drills will not remain idle in the vital period of the planting season. One factor which enters into the reduced tonnages on many farms is the failure of the beet drill or the man operating the drill, to plant the seed at the right depth and we unhesitatingly urge that every grower, during the season of 1933, be on his beet field when the seed is being planted, supervising the drilling and start the season of 1933 with a 100 percent stand of beets. DiiiikIhh Kc-Jillcy. Kt'iicrtil iijjrl-ciiltmnl iijjrl-ciiltmnl supri hiti'tulent of Uie L'lnh-hhiho Sniir company, in rnmmrnlini; on lust year's beet crop in Utah county and the prospects pros-pects for 1933, has issued the following fol-lowing stutcnicnt: The beet crop of 1J32 in the Utah county area has established new tonnage records in all-time history of the sugar industry in this district dis-trict .where the average of 16.2 tons were grown per acre on 11,000 acres. The beet growers of Utah county deserve to he commended for the control methods and practices prac-tices employed last year in the growing of this crop. During the last four years a number of changes have brought about the increased in-creased tonnages and have also helped to reduce the cost of grow-, ing the beet crop. The general use of phosphate, where it has been proven that the soil is deficient, has been one of the factors. Another is the cooperation coop-eration of the beet growers with the sugar company in meeting the nematode situation. Rotation and fertilization have greatly reduced the losses by this post, which has been prevaTent in Utah county for the last fifteen years. Lands which were infested with the nematode and have been handled by a system sys-tem of rotation, are now producing produc-ing maximum tonnages of beets. The work on better seed beds and earlier planting have also been factors which must be recognized. The year 1932, with its record breaking tonnages, is now behind us and within the next few days we will start on the growing of the 1933 crop. Moisture conditions and the increased amount of fall plowing plow-ing leads us to believe at this time that we can look forward to another an-other year of high tonnages. From present indications, the planting season will possibly be a week |