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Show Musettes make plans for music festival After a busy winter season, the Springville Musettes, talented tal-ented choral group, directed by Mrs. Alberta Hoover, is taking a well-earned three months vacation, va-cation, following appearance at the Music Festival in Salt Lake City April 28. Mrs. Oleah Sargent is accompanist. Recently elected officers of tne group are: Mrs. naaine Puckett, president; Mrs. Minerva Min-erva Jesse, vice-president; Mrs. Linda Cluff, secretary and Mrs. Winona Killpack, treas. Thev ladies are making new dresses and are rehearsing regularly reg-ularly in preparation for the annual state Federated Music club festival which is being held in the Salt Lake tabernacle. taber-nacle. During the past few months, the Musettes have presented patriotic music programs in various LDS wards with Vern Young appearing as the speaker. speak-er. They appeared with the high school a cappella choir at the art opening program and have furnished music on many other occasions here and out-of-town. In addition to the 40-voice choral group, there is a string ensemble of local musicians which appears with the singers. sing-ers. J |