Show DNEi TROUBLE dap Tw Vtan Ktlieve In Three filenTs Rr lrll a iT I Z r shy s u CB FlzElz v1M LgCL D FIZER Mt Sterling Ky YEgt H writes 1 tate suffered with kidney ana d liter trouble for ten years past 4 last March I commenced using tna and continued for three months ire not used it since nor have felt In 10 edltg H believe that I am well and I there 1 see Lrire my highest commendation to tid curative qualities of Peruna a I pefuna For Kidney Trouble ca i kin Geo II Simser Grant Ontario lied Lffiltcs ft ijliadnot been well for about four Idy L I hud kidney trouble and In re tit batlly nearly all the time ing Kids summer 1 got so very bad I ey gut I would try Peruna so I wrote and ouod begun at once to take Peruna llreE ltanalln bg I1 I look only two bottles of Pcmna era ll one of Manalin and now I feel moot liter than I have for some time Keel that Icrnna and Manalin cured at ene Lad made a different woman of mo And lofether 1 bless tho day I picked up llittle book and rend of your Peruna o ft t Is 1 the business of the kidneys to fie Isoif from the blood all poisonous e serials They must be active all tho ill Kelso the system suffers There aro a swhen they need a littlo assistance 0 ° u erunn is exactly this sort of a remit rem-it has saved many people from R istcr by rendering the kidneys ser eat a time when they were not ablo Ibear their own burdens Morel lus I prig alwa s brings into I special favor tares blood purifier Garfield Tea It ut made wholly of clean sweet Herbs It ctTcl mea the blood cleanses the system 1 arr an the complexion eradicates disease ear 1 promotes Good Health For young be dold u tut lay ut ALLENS his DOT EASE For Hot Tired Aching SWollon Foot ant ALLENS Ith a H f00r EASE IA tbl ILv tel WO YOUR r ii la HOES f r i y y roe ites KontEas ° n powder It cures IUlul to nit 81Urlln nervous foot and in O Ring nails and Instantly takes the sot inff uifot corns nod bunions Its the del Ute t a1cesllght comfort discovery of the ago haelighternewshoes easy certain ra for BWeuttnlr callous and hot tired 5i Ing feet BOlXJO testimonials Try it mlf dses 2jc Bold uy all Druggists and Trial 1 i Dont < icct > t a inbittlute Trial eta kago hIIEE Address I Lo Roy N Y I mdaoteere hove 1111ature USA veii at OU CAN KEEP DRY ORTABL t tt IN TIIE iei EST STORM 1 t sae ey WEARING y 19tf da f 40wERs 1 tit 1 1 rnB1U 1 pe WA0 CLOTHINQ L DOOF 1 IC IC7t en renl LlgM Durable 1 at edWale roof vuraw ioer f eSe a + i e 7wh wM5 a1 d Oe1 ki of WAnD Ea DURTON AGSAYRR AND e CHEMIST < rl lr V01 BllrerL 11 Uold 811 D are nalo9Dy I Zllloor Coppern Oyanlda teita S t Co rp anQtnU Pr10elln mtonappt cap lIeleoOO UI1lPlre ork lenIOQah7ea IT nauNaUo narUaok ftI1c gNaN h f ThUMps fa Eye Wale I i r DOES YOUR DACK AcHE Profit by the Experience of One Who Ha Found Relief James U Kceler retired farmer of etiner St Cazenovin N Y says About fifteen years ago I suffered with my back and Kidneys I doctored and used many remedies l reme-dies without getting relief Beginning with w t Bonns Kidney Pills I found relief from tho first box and two boxes restored mo to S t w good sound condition condi-tion My wife and many of my friends have used Donns Kidney Pills with good results nnd I can earnestly recommend them Sold by all dealers CO cents a box I Foster Mllburn Co Buffalo N Y r Anyone can dc with PUTNAM FADB f t IjhfcS 1LS no experience required j tucccss guaranteed I Dont expect n man to have faith in j your Judgment If you call him a fool j Tho Inducements to adopt Nature per t I feet Laxative Garfield Ten era many It is made wholly of pimple Hcrlmnnd ID i ftiarantecd under the faro Food and Jnll1s Law it oxcicomex constipation regulates the liver ROil kii1n < yi x purifies the blood and brings Good Health 1 I Important to Mothers Examine carefully orcry bottle of CASTOHIA a rafo and sure remedy for Infants and children and tee that It there the Signature Dr i s IV lu Use For Orcr 3O YUrt The Kind You llaro Ala DouCht Hows This We offer One Hundred Dollar ttewtrd for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by liana Catarrh Cure F1 CHHNEr CO Toledo 0 We the undersigned have known F1 Cheney for the lait 1 15 year and bellere him perfectly hon rtble In all IiuRlncM transactions and financially bio to carry out any obligation made by hit firm WALniNO ItlNNAN MiBTIH Wholetale > t Toledo O lulu Catarrh Cure la taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous lurface of the f tem Teitlmonlali I lent free 1rlce 73 conti per bottle Hold by ill DrilKKliti Take fads I Family 1IIU for comtlpatlon t STOMACH ON STRIKE SUCCESSFUL TONIC TREATMENT SUCCEFSOiUi INDIGESTION Dr Williams Pink Pills Cured This Woman and Hove Cured Many Hundreds of Other Cue of Common Ailments Loss of appetite coated tongue bad taste In thin mouth heavy dull lieauacho > and a dull sluggish fooling thoso are tho symptoms of oIDnoh trouble They indicate that the Rtomnoh is ou a strikn that it is no longer furnishing to the blood tho fall quotaof nourishment that tho body demands house every organ suffers Thoro aro two methods treatment tho old ono by which tho stomach is humored by tho nso of predigested foods nud artificial ferments and tho now ono by which tho stomach is toned np to do tho work which nattiro intended it A reoent cure by tho tonlo treatment IB that of Mrs Mnry Stuckpolo of 81 Liberty street iowelllIns3 Sho says t I suffered constantly for years front stomach troubln and terrible backaches nud was txmfluod to iny bed tlio creator port of throo years I was under tho core of onr family physician most of Um timo but did not scorn to get better I was completely rundown and was not able to do my work about the house My blood was impure and my complex iou polo I suffered from flashes of bent followed suddenly by chills 1 had awful headaches which lasted from three to four days I could got bnt littlo rest nt night as my sloop was broken and fitful As a result I lost several pounds iu weight and became very nervous ner-vous I was in a vrrctchod condition whep I heard about Dr Williams Pink Pills I started to tako tho pills at once and begun to gain in weight and health I encouraged by this to keep on until I was cured My friends null neighbors often remark what a changed woman I am and I owo it all to Dr Williams r Pink Pills Those wonderful pills are useful in wide range of diseases such as aiuomla rheumatism sciatica uonmlgla nervous as headaches nUll oven locomotor ataxia t and partial paralysis Tho great value of Dr Williams Pink Pills lies in tho fact that they actually mako now blood and this carries health nnd strength to every portion of than body Tho stomach is toned up tho nerves aro strengthened ovcry organ is stimulated to do its work Dr Williams Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or Rout postpaid On receipt of price 00 cents per box sixbozos for 250 by tho Dr Williams Modldno I Company Bcheucctady N Y I Jim TVInnIown Soothing Byron Par children teething often the gums roducei In flammation allays palo curOi wlud wllu 23ca butU < No man In a thousand descents from Adam Hooker II KID N E Y tS i I D t I I l coo Tflu p 4 ast S hatmnsp sOoonb In C SICK HEADACHE Positively onrod by CARTERS these little Pills I They also reliara Distress Dis-tress trom Dyspepsia Indigestion 1TTLE In-digestion and Too Hearty IVER I Eating edy forDlxdneso A perfect Kansu rom PILLS Drowsiness Da4 Vast in the Houtb Cofttca Tongue Pain In the side TORPID LIVER Thtf regulate tlio Bowels Purely Vegetable SMAll PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICL CARTERS Genuino Must Bear FacSimilo ITTIH Signature V PILLS IVER d lr REFUSE SUBSTITUTES W N U Salt Lake City No 20 1007 O UO Perfect Womanhood Tho greatest menace to womans permanent happiness in lifo is the eo suffering that comes from sonio do I run rre Iller I of tho feminine organs i I Ir Many thousands of women havo realized this too Into to Silva their health barely In time to tavo their i lives livesTo be a successful wife to retain tlicjovo and admiration of her husband hus-band should bo a womans constant study If a woman finds that her cncr gicsaro flagging that she gets cosily > G r tired dark shadows appear under hor eyes sho has backache headache head-ache bca4ug down sensations nervousness i ner-vousness Irregularities or tho > blues she should start nt once to flit build up her system by n tonla with IV specific powers such as VV V Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound the great womans reiicdy for womans ills made only of roots and herbs i 11 cures liemalo Complaints such as Dragging Sensations Weak Back Falling and Displacements Inflammation and Ulceration and all Organic Diseases and is invaluable in the Change of Life It dissolves I and Expels Tumors at an early stage Subdues Faintness nervous 1 Prostration Exhaustion and strengthens and tones the Stomach Cures Headache General Debility Indigestion and Invigorates the whole female syscm It Is an excellent remedy for derangements of the Kidneys in cither sex e |